Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Best Milk Commercial Ever

Our milkman was Borden's, but I think Progressive covered most of Racine.


kkdither said...

That was great! We had Progressive milk deliveries back in the 60's... MOM!

OrbsCorbs said...

One of our neighbors was a milkman. He was always very thin. Now I know why.

Toad said...

That must be from another country. We In America are too modest. LOL Didn't someone plan on Ice Cream from Mother's Milk, and they decided It was not a good idea?

OrbsCorbs said...

The guy selling it named it Baby Gaga, and was sued by Lady Gaga. This May story says he's going to do it again, but there's nothing out there after that: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/10/breast-mil-ice-cream_n_859920.html

Toad said...

I now have a good idea for Huck's vacuum pump. That sucker (no pun intended) could REALLY be a money maker.