Sunday, September 25, 2011

"Carlsberg stunts with bikers in cinema"

It really depends upon what I paid to see, but I don't think I would have stayed.

(You don't need the audio for this one, Huck.)


Why Not? said...

I think I would have stayed.. hard to say until you are put in that situation, but at least there were two seats next to eachother.. it would have been different if you had to start asking them to move in so that you could get two seats together.. I think I would have just thought it was weird that there were so many biker boys in the same room..

kkdither said...

I have to admit, it would be intimidating. The fact that the seats were in the middle would have made it harder for me to walk over those gentlemen. I guess it would be the same if you walked in and everyone else was a different race. Gives you perspective on your comfort zone level.

Toad said...

That was one of the GREATEST commercials I have EVER seen. Because Denmark Is the HAPPIEST place In the world, perhaps that's what the message Is? You notice that Carlsberg's label shows the city Copenhagen. I love It. I hate stereotyping also. LOTS.