Monday, September 26, 2011

"Cheesehead maker has issue with billboard"

From the

"Firm threatens lawsuit over use of its hat on anti-cheese sign"

"By Meg Jones of the Journal Sentinel
Sept. 26, 2011 10:19 p.m. |

"It's one thing to bash cheese here in America's Dairyland, but quite another to use a beloved Cheesehead hat to cast aspersions on the food that's as much a part of Wisconsin as beer and bratwurst.

"A cheese war of sorts has broken out over a billboard scheduled to go up this week near Lambeau Field. The billboard features a Cheesehead-clad, scythe-carrying Grim Reaper cautioning about the health hazards of eating cheese.

"When the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine paid thousands of dollars to install the billboard on Highway 41 in De Pere, which many Packers fans will see on their way to Sunday's game, word got back to the St. Francis company that makes the famous cheddar apparel.

"The Cheesehead hat makers were steamed."

How dare they attack cheeseheads in our home state? Now I have to find a cheesehead hat for my avatar. Grrr! You could just as well put a physician's lab coat on that Grim Reaper for all of the "mistakes" that doctors have buried.


  1. "Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine"

    Anytime a group whose name is more than 3 words long and uses both "committee" and "responsible" in it title, they have to be up to no good.
    These are the kind of nanny mentality that does exactly the opposite of what they want people to do. And a common sense physician would say, "Enjoy your moderation." But then common sense seems to have met a tragic death of the times. Hell! Remember Ule Gibbons, one of the first guys to promote natural foods? Not an ounce of fat on him, AND THE POOR BASTARD STILL DIES OF A HEART ATTACK!

    To the "Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, I raise my boot of beer to you in one hand, my bratwurst with CHEESE on it in the other (with both middle fingers extended of course) and say "Eat, Drink, and be Merry! For tomorrow we die!"

  2. It seems odd that they're only erecting one billboard in the U.S. and they chose a highway leading to Lambeau Field to do it. They use football teminology in the ad ("sack") and a cheeshead hat. It's like an attack on Packers fans.
