Thursday, September 22, 2011

I know it's early . . .

. . . but Charlie loves Halloween.


  1. That window is where the a/c unit was. So it will probably hit 90 this weekend.

  2. I miss having a cat. I was just thinking about It earlier today.

  3. Wachyagot there Orbs? An alter for sacrificing a virgin?

  4. Black Mass, my place, every Friday at midnight. BYOV - bring your own virgin.

  5. So..... now I can start decorating for Halloween?? Oh! Can I CAN I???

  6. Of course. What got me going was seeing the candy in the stores.

    I've been decorating for Christmas since I've lived alone. You shoulda seen what Gordy, my previous cat, did to the decorations one year. At first, I thought the place had been burglarized.

    A few years ago, I saw the pumpkin lights on sale and bought them on impulse. I've added a few other things, but not that much, It all fits into a shopping bag when I take it down.

    I have a lot more Christmas stuff, but only put up about a third of it now. Last year, it never got up at all because I was so sick.

  7. Are there any virgins left?

  8. I think it looks neat Orbs. Minnesota - if Hobby Lobby can put Christmas decorations out in July, you can decorate for Halloween in September.

  9. Orbs, Charlie is such a party animal! :)

  10. Oh I don't know about that Orbs. It goes back to when I was a kid. When my brothers and I would find the Christmas presents my parent were hiding before they wrapped them, we would take them out and play with them a bit being ever so careful to put them back in the package the way we took them out......
