Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

Halfway to the weekend!


  1. tomorrow can't come soon enough, it's going to be a long day, huge inspection (all day) at work today, and I'm barely breathing, hello mega steroids, please work fast!
    It's going to be a great day
    (yes Sheldon, that's sarcasm)

  2. with the help of benadryl last night i slept from 11:30p.m. until 9 a.m. I feel so refreshed..

    LM hope you got your breathing under control, can't imagine what that must feel like..

  3. Yea SER, but did you go to Sendik's?

    Is Orb's celebrating Rosh Hashanah early?

    Why Not...benadryl fine, but liquor quicker. lol

    Have a positive and productive day everyone.

  4. LM... I hope you feel better and get thru the day, I'm betting you do great.

  5. jedwis Honey I'm Home Those are the 3 words a woman never wants to hear when she is having sex.... :)

  6. Jed, true but I notice whenever I drink anything I wake up with a headache.. can't handle my liquor anymore..

  7. SER... It would be a good thing if the dude she is fooling with said that. lol

  8. I know Why Not ... you're a sweety, especially with those girls... I'm still trying to figure out what the hell Orbs said, do I need a mirror, or Hebrew dictionary?

  9. That's Russian for Number one! Both my parents could speak it, but that was conversational Russian and they didn't know much about the rules of grammar, so they weren't much help in Russian class.

    I betcha lizardmom did great, too, but I know her allergies are a constant battle. Hang in there.

    I had to change the thermostat on my truck today. Better now than January.

  10. the slacker is present

  11. thanks for all the support and concern. I did survive the day (well, mostly), kept breathing most of the time, stress levels were high, the usual when you're being watched constantly...
    it went ok, so glad it's over.
    So nice to be able to inhale air again!

  12. oh, and Whynot - I take a benadryl every night to help my sleep, they're really cheap at Sams, 400 ct for about $4, that's a years supply for me :)
