Friday, October 7, 2011

Open Blog - Friday

Have a good time kicking around this weekend.


  1. Oh boy...Frogie and lizard...reminds me of the song,"It's a family affair"...

  2. And he crosses the finish line at #4.

  3. that would make me #5.. off to bake a balloon cake and small balloon cake pops for the birthday party tomorrow..

  4. I guess that would make me 6th today. I hope everyone has a great weekend. My son is coming down here with my granddaughter so I get to see her again tomorrow!♥

  5. I hate being 7th, Why Not can we trade, I need some vodka?
    Ms Froggy still has that 12:00am flashing, go figure.
    Have a wonderful, positive & productive day and weekend, everyone.

  6. Section 119 Row 3 seats 5,6,7, Me and my 3 kids. GO BREWERS!

  7. Loggy, I'm not a mathematical wizard but you and 3 kids equals 4 and it looks like you only have 3 seats

  8. we can definitely trade.. from now on Jed is 5th and I am 7th on this blog... anything for you

  9. Am I 8th again? It has been a very good and productive day. Now.... I'm off to light the grill and sample the vodka to waste the rest of it! ;>

    Reminder to everyone that the next get-together is approaching: October 22. I'm understanding that a side dish to pass around might be in order. Start skimming through those recipe cards, checking out your favorite deli, or begging mom to prepare her classical dish.

  10. Checking in a day late. My winter stomach troubles revisited me. Sick as a dog yesterday, not doing too much better today.
