I've been trying to think of ways to make some extra money. "I'm so poor that I can't pay attention." One of the ideas I had was to hold a raffle for a date with the inimitable and irascible OrbsCorbs. Make it $5 a ticket. I figure at least 200 women (hopefully, they'll all be women) will jump at the chance for a night out with Orbs. That's $1,000 right there. What does dinner and a movie for two cost? It's been a long time for me, but I think it can be done for $100 or less. That's $900 profit right there.
Of course, if more women buy tickets, that's more profit. And there's nothing to stop anyone from buying multiple tickets in an effort to increase their chances. In fact, I can guarantee that any lady who spends $200 or more on tickets will get a date with me. (What the hell. A meal, a movie, and a hundred bucks. I'll take that anytime.)
So what do you think? Am I on the road to riches, or the highway to hell?
Can't it be both?
Would you come to MN? ;)
In your case, I would, however the raffle would be open only to those who are not in a relationship. All I need are angry husbands/boyfriends/girlfriends tracking me down...
I think it can be done for $100 or less
Sorry Orbs...more like a buck and half. $100 just for dinner...well unless you take her to Taco Bell or Wendy's
Damn! I was hoping I could pawn off my ex-wife. Then again, you don't need a torture, my friend...
Oh yeah, just don't take the winner out the Hob Nob. I'll cost at least $80 just to look at a steak...
$150? That's still $850 profit. I was thinking more like Wells Brothers. I dunno. Salute's? The Chancery? Can't you do dinner for two in those places for, say, $60? I suppose not if she drinks... Well, then, the date will be BYOB.
What do movies cost these days? Maybe we'll go to a matinee and then get all-you-can-eat at Country Buffet. There's romance for you.
And BYOP (popcorn), too.
Gee, with all these suggestions: Wendy's, Taco Bell, matinee and OCB, BYO popcorn, I can't understand why any available woman wouldn't want to buy a raffle ticket. {sarcasm}
You gentlemen are missing the point entirely! It isn't what you BUY for a woman, it is how you treat her and hold her in your esteem.
Too bad you restricted it... I'd pay $5.00, and pay for my own meal, just for an evening of your company.
I tried it but no tickets were involved except the one I got. The cop didn't find any humor in the contest and the judge thought it was illegal. Do read the fine lines for the 'raffle'.
Yes, sassa. I thought about that too, what it would be called if a woman proposed this....
KK, It would be "All about how you treat him, and hold him In your esteem"
I think THAT Is a perfect statement. I doesn't have to be anything else. YOU said It all.
It's like the song by Johnny Mathis, and Dionne Warwick. "Friends In Love"
Why limit all this fun to Orbs? Gals... let the bidding wars begin. I think Hale & fungi are at the top of the list.
Hey, it was my idea. Let them get their own scam, er, raffle, going.
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