Sunday, November 13, 2011

Useless Information

Did you know:

The aircraft carrier USS Enterprise can launch 4 jets simultaneously?


  1. Aircraft carriers are fascinating. A few decommissioned ones have been converted into museums you can go on. I have been on the USS Enterprise (previous version) in New York City and the USS Midway in San Diego. I sure wouldn't want to live one one, but I love seeing the interiors of them!

  2. I watched the basketball game between North Carolina & Michigan State on the aircraft carrier, it was really cool. They are cities within themselves, they can have as many as 5000 people living on the ship at any given time...Amazing.

  3. I saw a TV program on how they launch and land those jets. Awesome! The guys wear different colored jackets showing their job at the time, and they showed the hand signals they give to the pilots. One of them was 'get your head out of your a$$". Ha Ha

  4. SER, That Is NOT useless information. I had NO idea that could be done. Amazing.

  5. You would be amazed at how fast they can launch them. If you are under attack, you want those birds in the air, not on the deck.

    I have to look up that get your head out of your ass hand signal!

  6. I've seen the USS Midway from a distance while visiting San Diego...Big ship...

  7. I can rub my belly and pat my head at the same time.

    I visited the WWII German submarine they have at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry. I cannot imagine living in such cramped quarters, especially a few hundred feet underwater.

  8. The Enterprise is due to be decmmissioned in 2013.
