Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"Why no bid process for Festival Hall?"

Bumped again, for new developments.  See below.

Originally posted Wednesday, November 23, 2011, at 9:15 PM:

The first letter to the editor here,, from Patrick Flynn of Caledonia, concerns the recent no-bid renewal of VenuWorks' contract to run Racine's Festival Hall. I've seen this mentioned before in a couple of comments on other sites, but no official story anywhere.

From Mr. Flynn's letter: "Last week, the City of Racine renewed the three-year management contract with Venuworks for Festival Hall. This contract was never let out for bids despite the fact that interested parties have been requesting a bidding process."

So, what gives? Why were the Oasis and the boat launch contract renewals let out for bid, but not Festival Hall's? Is that even legal? It certainly appears less than aboveboard. An explanation is in order. What's going on, lying John?
 _______ ________________________________________

December  21, 2011

From The Journal "Same company to manage Racine Civic Centre"

VenuWorks gets the contract without any bids. While the man who took the Oasis from a gang hangout to an attraction on North Beach had his contract bid out and lost it. VenuWorks' contract with Racine is $70,000 a year. The Oasis' old contract was worth about $11,000 a year.

The stink in City Hall doesn't come from mold.


  1. Dear Mr. OrbsCorbs,

    I was always under the impression that the city of Racine was required to post in the local newspaper(s) city contracts are/where open for bidding; I could be wrong.

    Is it possible that the bids where posted in the city of Racine’s local newspaper and we/you missed them?

    Maybe it was posted in:

    Racine, Minnesota
    Racine, Missouri
    Racine, Ohio
    Racine, West Virginia

    Racine is the name of several communities in the United States of America:
    Racine, Wisconsin, the largest city named Racine in the United States

    Just some “food for thinking”.........

  2. What ever happened to the Oasis thing.. I didnt notice if anything was decided about that..

  3. The contract for the Oasis was taken away from the man who single handedly revived the place and given to a company named after greed, GS Avarice:
    Mr. Curtin must not have known the "right" people in lying John's administration. Obviously, the people at VenuWorks do, because their contract never even came up for review by the public. What an effed up city.

    Party on, lying John!

  4. Btw, VenuWorks are the people who dumped Brew Fest in favor of the Journal Times Fall Home Expo. Brew Fest was a smashing success anyway, and the Home Expo was a dud.

    Dickert's cronies will suck us dry.

  5. I am very sorry to hear he lost the contract.. I thought maybe once our "leaders" would have done the right thing..

  6. I shouldn't say, "What an effed up city." What's effed up is the current administration in City Hall. Racine has great resources and many good people. Our potential is excellent.

  7. Looks like there is an ordinance requiring bidding for contracts of more than 25k, which this one is. Will try to find out more.

  8. Here is the Racine city ordinance:

    Sec. 46-28. - Purchases over $25,000.00; advertising for bids.

    Bids shall be required for every purchase of materials, supplies, equipment or contractual services other than professional services, the estimated cost of which exceeds $25,000.00. Bids shall be advertised in the manner provided in Wis. Stats. § 62.15, except that the notice shall be published not less than twice and bids shall be received not less than ten days after first publication. Participation in a bidding process for the same or similar items in association with other governmental units fulfills the bidding requirement.

    Advertisement for bids shall not be required for any purchase, the estimated cost of which does not exceed $25,000.00, but in such case the purchasing agent shall secure and record at least three informal bids, if practicable.

    If the estimated cost of public construction exceeds $5,000.00 but is not greater than $25,000.00, the purchasing agent shall publish one notice of the proposed construction before a contract for the construction is executed. This provision does not apply to public construction if the materials for such a project are donated or if the labor for such a project is provided by volunteers.

    The common council may, by resolution, dispense with the requirement of advertising for bids in any particular case.

    A summary of the bids received for each item listing the name of each bidder and a copy of his bid shall be submitted to the appropriate committee of the common council for its recommendation to the common council. The adoption of the committee report by the common council shall constitute the final action of the council upon the bids and shall authorize the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order, countersigned by the finance director as to availability of funds, for the purchase of the items on which such bids were received.

  9. The Contract is not yet renewed, let the common council know how you feel! Open it up for bids!

  10. Mr. Flynn's letter began: "Last week, the City of Racine renewed the three-year management contract with Venuworks for Festival Hall. This contract was never let out for bids despite the fact that interested parties have been requesting a bidding process." I also read at least two comments online elsewhere that said the same thing. So, I assumed it was a done deal. Why would the Journal Times publish the letter, at least without correcting factual mistakes?

    The only way I know to let the city council know anything is to appear in person and be ignored.

  11. I does appear you are living In the 21st Century of NEW Politics. Your question Is VERY interesting. Seems to be "something rotten In Denmark"

  12. The North Beach Oasis contract, which was put up for bids was worth around $11,000 annually to the city. The winning bid gave the city 5% more than Paul Curtin offered, so the city might make a whopping $550 more a year! Notice that ordinance didnt require a contract worth less than $25k be bid out-but it was!

    The Civic Center contract is worth $70,000 a year,yes it should be open for bids!!!

  13. I'm contacting my alderman, if he's out of jail. He should know, right? Or can you just call the City Clerk and find out if the contract is open to bids?

    Seriously, not even lying John is audacious enough to just ignore the bidding process, is he? That would be malfeasance.

    I so loathe getting involved. If I do something like that, the commitment is total. I know nothing less. It would change (destroy?) my life, and for what? As my sister says, the problem is systemic. You bounce out one POS like Becker and another POS like Dickert bounces in. The pool of people willing to serve is badly tainted.

    You could annihilate yourself fighting something like this and the average Joe in Racine still wouldn't give a damn.

  14. Orb's, Your last comment pretty much sums up my feelings about this County, City, and School District. It REALLY drives me nuts, but I'm gonna drop dead one of these day's worrying about It. I worry about everything. It really Is killing me. My advice. Let It go, If you can? We need "Back to the future"

  15. "The pool of people willing to serve is badly tainted."

    You might be surprised to find that quite the opposite is true.

  16. No open bids yet, Orbs. You would have to contact an attorney, there is a clause in the ordinances about professional service contracts not needing to be bid out to see it that applies. Bottom line though, if you bid out a 11k contract you darn well better bid the 70k contract out!

  17. Well, that's the out then.

    "Professional services is an industry of infrequent, technical, or unique functions performed by independent contractors or by consultants whose occupation is the rendering of such services.

    "Examples of professional services include those of: accountants, actuaries, appraisers, attorneys, business consultants, business development managers, copywriters, funeral directors, law firms, public relations professionals, recruiters, researchers, real estate brokers and translators. While not limited to licentiates (individuals holding professional licenses), the services are considered[by whom?] 'professional' and the contract may run to partnerships, firms, or corporations as well as to individuals."

    Professional services are whatever they say professional services are. The incongruity of bidding out a small contract, but not a large one, is politically irrelevant. Ethics were kicked to the curb many miles back.

    Even if I'm wrong about the people willing to serve, I don't see the umbrage or outrage necessary to support viable alternative candidates.

    The larger problem for alternatives are the apathetic and/or disenfranchised voters. I think it's still around 20% of the eligible voters who do vote in Racine. Someone who could speak to those who don't care, or have given up, might be able to change things.

    Toad, I wonder if it's part of getting older? Ten years ago, I didn't give a damn about this stuff. Maybe as you age, you care more about what you're leaving behind. I find myself more concerned with recycling and environmental issues than I was a decade ago, too.

  18. Interesting that they want to renew the contract with Venuworks based on the fact that for the 1st 5 months of 2011, the Civic Center lost $208,795 after turning a profit of $17,281 in 2010. Source: 2012 proposed city budget. This is the company that didn't want BrewFest at Festival Hall.

  19. Anon can you email me all the data and statistics for Festival Hall. It would make for an eye opening article :)

  20. From the comments on The Journal story:

    "BusinessWeek said on: December 21, 2011, 8:01 pm

    "The Civic Centre contract is worth $386,000 a year, not 70k. City leaders failed to mention the $316,681 for Professional Services a year. Look at page 223 of the 2012 proposed budget. VenuWorks is the same company that caused Brewfest to leave Festival Hall. This contract wreaks of favortism. No bids were taken or advertised for. How fiscially responsible is that?

    "The city bid out the contract for the North Beach Oasis when it was worth only $11,000 a year. The person who turned the Oasis into a destination from nothing, Paul Curtin, lost the bid by 5%. The city changed operators for the chance to make JUST $550 more next year!!!! Quite a double standard.

    "It's interesting how there is an ordinance requiring requests for proposals for contracts worth 25k or more but the city has a weasel clause (ordinance) that professional services contracts dont have to be bid out in certain situations. People have a right to expect consistency in how government handles contracts, not picking whatever rules suit their own agenda."

    Isn't that interesting.

  21. Corruption, money and power are so intertwined, I don't know how you stop it. Politics, lies abound to the point where people become complacent because as you attack one thing, 100 more are unleashed.

    We have hit a point in government where people are taking to the streets in record numbers out of frustration. Makes me very concerned over the division that has been created between what used to be a more civilized approach to having your voice heard. People are becoming closed minded, angry and violent to one another over points of view. It is worrisome and sad.
