Hello everybody! Welcome back to another exciting episode of Four for Fridays! It's been an easy week, but I'm still thankful that it's Friday.... Here are some random questions..
1) Do you know how to work on cars?
2) What is your favorite cartoon character?
3) What is your favorite Christmas movie?
4) What is your favorite infomercial?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
1) Very little.
2) I really don't have one.
3) There are so many that I do like here are a few- How The Grinch That Stole Christmas, The Christmas Box, Miracle on 34th Street, Jack Frost and the Christmas Shoes. Like I said there is a lot more.
4) I do not like any of them.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!♥
Drewski...I don't know how you do this so well. lol
1. I can start it, put it in gear and put gas in it.
2. I love them all, but Pepe le Pew is my main man, someone speak French to me. lol
3. Space Jam, I think it was a Christmas movie? well at least I saw it during Christmas.
4. I think the bra one is my favorite, go figure. Why do all these infomercials have foreign people with bad accents yelling at us?
Best of weekends to you all.
1. Put key in ignition, turn.
2. Too many of them to have a favorite.
3. Another one of those...duh....Probably one of the old classics...Miracle on 34th Street, perhaps.
1. I know how to put windshield wiper fluid in. Does that count?
2. Hawthorne Leghorn.
3. White Christmas/Holiday Inn.
4. I avoid infomercials like the plague.
Have a great weekend everyone!
1. Nope, basically the only one in the family that cant do anything on a car.. but I blame it on that I have not owned a car since I was 18...
2. I like Donald Duck (or as his name is here Kalle Anka), because he just expresses himself without caring what others think..
3. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation or Christmas Story among many others..
4. I like to watch The Magic Bullet, they have quite the collection of people.. For whatever reason everyone is at these peoples house, one middle aged man with a hangover, a old lady in a house coat, I think a younger couple.. just a strange group of people to have gathered..
Jed you have me cracking up..
1) Yes. Spent three hours woking on one yesterday. Have to replace heater core in my truck this weekend, book says 10 to 14 hours.
2) Road Runner & Wile E Coyote.
3) Christmas Vacation and Christmas Story. "You'll shoot your eye out kid"
4) Time to change the channel.
1. Not a lot...can change oil, filters, tires, check and replace most of the fluids as needed. Swap a battery and have changed out a fuse here and there. Not going to rebuild an engine though!
2. Not one fav, but I am a Simpsons fan. And if you didn't see the recent episode the Book Job, you should. Fantastic episode...they still have life in them!
3. Not a big Christmas fan, but A Christmas Story is very entertaining.
4. We do infomercials in my improv troupe sometimes...every one we have done tops the ones I see on television!
1. Nope, have to use my checkbook
2. I've been told by someone mean iI resemble woody woodpecker, since he is an instigator. Humph! I agree with jed, Pepe le Pew... and I only speak in french after midnight, remember? :)
3. I've seen them all too many times to really sit and watch them again. I do like the Peanuts Christmas Cartoon short.
4. I'm the only one who finds themselves watching infomercials? They are a hoot! I love the one where they make all these "delicious" looking things with leftovers... sort of like a pita pocket, or the Magic Bullet. I never buy, just am amazed that the sales pitch works. Wait a minute.... I'll double the offer!
1) Yes, I do, but don't tell anyone, because I will tell them that no, I don't.
2) Daffy Duck or Homer Simpson. I resemble both.
3) It's a Wonderful Li(f)e.
4) I don't see infommercials, but I'm intrigued by pitchmen who sell shit. The product for sale is irrelevant to a good salesman, just like a politician. The art of the con, the lie, the scam, though, interests me. I used to do it at an auto repair shop. Watching thousands of people fall under the spell - that's what Hitler did - is engrossing and scary. Watching lying John and Tommy Friedel attempt it, though, is enraging because they insult their audience's intelligence. (I assume that's unintentional; i.e., they reallly are that stupid and think they're conning us.)
1. Yes
2. Bugs Bunny
3. Miracle on 34th Street
4. Ron Popeil In the Showtime Oven infomercial. That thing REALLY works. You cannot find a better way to cook a Turkey, or Pork Roast. I actually have all 3 sizes. The biggest will cook a 23lb Turkey.
Next Thanksgiving... road trip to Toad's house for the Ronco Turkey Roaster dinner! ;>
1) Some stuff on the older cars, but the newer ones-forget it...
2) I got to be thinking about this one...There too many of them I like, such as Yosemite Sam, Tom and Jerry, Secret Squirrel, Mighty Mouse-the list goes on.
3) I dunno, Charlie Brown Christmas.
4) I cracked up so hard watching a "known" country musician try to sell a cheap $69 acoustic guitar on an infomercial once. If these guitars are so "great", why aren't the real musician buying them?
DodgeBoy, I cringe at the thought of heater core replacement. I had a 86 Ford F150 where you could access the heater core from the firewall by removing bolts from a cover. On my current truck, I think you have to disassemble the dashborad. I suspect that's what you're doing.
I agree with kk about next Thanksgiving at Toad's house. I hear Toad is a good cook. I never heard of the Showtime Oven, but Ron Popeil is a demigod to me. https://www.ronco.com/index.html
Yes Orbs, the directions say, lower steering column, remove instrument cluster, remove wiring harness. From what I understand I have to remove the entire heater box then open it up to replace the heater core. I think I may remove the seat so I have more room. I'm not bendy like I used to be.
welcome to our humble abode, DodgeBoy :)
1. to borrow a line from the hubby -
"I got married so I wouldn't have to do that"
2. Larry the cucumber from Veggie Tales
3. It's a toss up between the Grinch and Tim Allen as the Santa Claus, the 1st 2
4. not a fan of them but they do make me laugh - but wait! there's more!
DodgeBoy, you're a better (younger?) wrench than me. I wouldn't/couldn't do that. Maybe 20 years ago. Under dash work is almost impossible because of my eyes and the positions that you have to assume to do the work. I've been under there with my head on the floor and my legs up on the seat, holding a flashlight in my mouth, while I try to see what the hell my hands are feeling. Like you said, remove the seat. Or, better yet, take it to Chuck's Radiator.
I apologize for wandering off topic on your blog, drew, but I just wanted to establish a connection with DodgeBoy. Thanks.
Wander away, Orbs! If you guys want to have a conservation about cars on my post, by all means, go nuts! Same goes with anybody else. It doesn't bother me at all when anyone goes off topics, as long as everyone has fun.
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