Friday, December 23, 2011

Open Blog - Friday & Weekend

Love and Best Wishes to All!


  1. Happy Friday World...Have a Great Merry Christmas everyone!


  2. ooo, purdy!!
    Happy Friday all!!
    Have a wonderful and awesome Christmas, be safe and warm :)

  3. Merry Christmas, Sheriff. Thank you for watching over us throughout the year. I think of all of the JTI as family.

  4. no comments about my slacking??
    went to bed early, so missed 12:00... maybe Monday...

  5. Yee haw, four whole days off!!!!

    Froglover - you've worked so hard that you deserved to be late today.

    Merry Christmas to everyone. I'm off to the grocery store. Ugh.

    Oh, I beat Jedwis again???

  6. Froglover is not the only one that slept in so did I.

    I hope everyone has a great and Merry Christmas. Be safe if you are traveling anywhere.

  7. Have a wonderful, Merry, joyful Christmas. Stay safe.

    Liz, mine will be warm (hopefully safe too). Low 80's here...can't believe it...haven't really had much of a chance to use my outside fireplace.

  8. Santa told me ya'll have been very good this year, even SER....thanks for accepting me in the group...I will have a toast for each and everyone of you...Won't that be a gas. lol...Merry Christmas and thanks for all of the fun & laughs.


  9. No one wishing me a Happy Festivus? I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED IN ALL OF YOU!

  10. I'm sorry Boppster...did someone shit in your oatmeal this morning?

    But Happy Days to you!!!

  11. OMG Hale Bopp. Happy Festivas!!!!

    Jedwis - we are the lucky ones to have you in the group.
    I have to go now, we (okay he) is cleaning the carpet.

  12. Sorry Hale Happy Festivus!♥

    I am so happy to be part of such a great group of people that are like family to me too!♥

  13. ok Jed, riding the steroid train has taken me to beyond productive. Don't expect much when this wears off!
    I cleaned the office, both my desk and hubbies, did the tedious of super tedious stuff that I've been putting off, cleaned the huge basement freezer out, started more cookies, cleaned the bathroom and livingroom, started the kitchen... cleaned out the closet and a desk drawer, and I'm still going, I should sleep great tonight! Next week I aspire to be a complete slacker!

  14. See, you might have missed the satire. One of the Festivus traditions is the Airing of Grievances where you tell everyone how they disappointed you in the previous year.

    Now off to the traditional meat loaf dinner.

  15. Merry Christams everyone.
    Happy Hannukah.
    Crazy Kwanza.
    Happy Festivus.

    Which comes first, the feats of strength or the airing of grievances? None of the Irregulars disappointed me, but this has been one of the worst years of my life because of my and mom's health problems. 2012 will either cure me or kill me.

  16. I still wiped out and sore from the feats of strength. By the way... "I have A LOT of problems with you people!" lmao

  17. FYI...according to my Festivus Handbook... airing of grievances 1st, then feats of strength. lol
