Sunday, December 25, 2011

Useless Information

Did you know:

Colored pencils do not contain lead; it’s all pigment and wax.


  1. Charles Darwin defended Frank Lloyd Wright when federal prosecutors hounded the architect for violating the Mann Act, which made it a crime to transport women across state lines for "immoral purposes."

  2. Back to pencils... :)

    My dad was a mechanic. He said that a crooked mechanic could use a lead based pencil to simply draw a line on something (can't remember what it was) and it would rot it out and subsequently require replacement of that part.

  3. Even the lead pencils aren't lead, they're graphite. Lead is a no-no (except in certain city housing programs).

    Gee, I wonder what your dad was talking about, kk. If it's a moving part, lead or graphite would lubricate it. Graphite is a good dry lubricant for locks.

  4. True, orbs, I should not have said lead... it is graphite. Could it have been the radiator, causing it to leak? I really don't remember. The lesson I took from him was to find a mechanic that you can trust.

  5. You can spend some big bucks on a big set of pencil, you don't let the kids play with these ones.

    Prismacolor Premier
    Colored Pencil Set,
    132 Assorted Colors
    Sale Price: $99.99
    CJAS Reg: $119.99
    List Price: $212.40

  6. Because otherwise we would have to breathe dirt?

  7. Silly, we have air to fill balloons, right?
