Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays on the snowy morning! What a week of contrasts... In the '50's earlier the week, now snow today... Here are some questions for you...
1) What do you do to prepare for a snowstorm?
2) What was the most amount snow you have ever seen?
3) Ever get stuck in the snow?
4) What would you rather have the bitter cold or the snow?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
1) prepare for a snowstorm?
Nothing, let it happen
2) most amount
Over 6 feer
3) stuck
Yes, actually a cop stopped and helped me shovel it out?\!
4) bitter cold or the snow?
1. Make sure I have blankets and food for the day at home so I dont have to go anywhere.. know where the flashlight is so I can find the candles and matches if we lose power..
2. The last two years in Sweden is probably the most snow I have seen.. if you do not count the huge mound of snow the plow trucks would leave outside my parents house which is the end of a dead end street.. those things would get huge..
3. No, although I did help my mom.. There was a snow storm and she drove her Camaro (sp??) to work.. it was so low to the ground she got stuck on the little dead end street by us..
4. Snow.. definitely.
1) Make sure the car has gas in it, make sure I go to the grocery store and get what ever we needed. Then stay home and let it snow.
2) Over 5ft of snow in Illinois.
3) Yes I did up north by my mom's place with my mini van.
4) The cold because I hate the snow.
Thanks for the weather update Drew. lol.
1.Went to the liquor store to stock up.
2. Kalamazoo, in college, at least I think it was snow, maybe not.
3. Kalamazoo, in college, at least I thought I was stuck.
4. Given the choices, the better of two evils would be snow. A drink and the beach would be very much desired.
Thanks for asking, Drew.
1. Make sure the fridge is stocked the generator is on stand-by, candles at the ready and stay home.
2. I remember one time in Racine we had 40 inches on the ground. There was so much snow plowed at the corners of intersections, we had to put flags on our cars so people could see us.
3. Yes because like Why Not's mom, I had a Camaro.
4. Most definitely the snow.
Thanks Drew!
I just feel left out this week for some reason.
Hale- That just means you have to come back and visit us during the winter so you don't feel left out!♥
1) I usually put the winter weights in the truck in November. This year I didn't do it until the night before the storm.
2) I don't know. The storm last February left a drift that almost came to the top of the garage. It had to be trucked out.
3) Yes. It's Wisconsin.
4) I don't like snow, but I hate below zero temps even more.
1. Pretty much nothing.
2. I guess It would be the storm of 1967 (I think that was the year) we were In school, and It started to snow In the morning. By the time we left (at regular time) the city was pretty much closed down. From Park, we had to walk up the hill, and In the bus tire tracks In the street that still existed. I don't know how much snow It was, but certainly the most I ever saw In one day.
3. Probably, but don't really remember.
4. Snow
1) Stock up on food and other needs, so I don't have to go out for anything.
2) Logan's Pass, Montana. It's on the Continental Divide at Glacier National Park. I swear the snow was at least 4 to 5 feet over my head. All you can see were the tops of the trees. That was in June of 1983.
3) Yes, with my old Mercury Sable.
4) The bitter cold. At least you can drive in it.
Toad, I remember that snowstorm. I think you got the year right. I was in high school, too. I can't remember if they let us out early, but I took the city bus, as did a lot of other kids. (The was no mandatory school busing back then.) We didn't get stuck, but it took forever to get across town. None of the buses could stay on schedule.
Chicago was paralyzed by the same storm system.
Drew, I skipped this one....I didn't want to get clobbered! LOL.
Interesting, no KK or LM
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