Monday, January 2, 2012

One for the Dog Lovers

Imagine you are a singer and you accompany yourself on the piano. You have a small dog who is your constant companion and who watches as you rehearse.

Got the picture?

Now, imagine that you're away for a few hours, leaving the dog alone at home with the video camera on. Here is what happened while you were away.


  1. Very talented!

    Here is Suzie's reaction to it..

  2. MC...

    To good, she has that WTF is that noise...!

  3. My cat ignored it, but he'll respond to cats meowing online. He gets very concerned, approaches the speakers and looks at me.

  4. Thank you for the laugh. That was hilarious. I wonder if the dog's skills are better than the human.

  5. That is cute!

    Harley, unfortunately is ignorant to whatever sound any other a dog makes or does.

  6. In the olden days I had a very nice female Doberman which loved to watch cartoons...for real.

    She would lie in front of the TV and watch as long as they where on, just for grins I would change the channel and she would turn and look at me like you bastard, turn them back on!
