Friday, January 13, 2012

Open Blog - Friday & Weekend

Be careful out there today!


  1. I'm late...I'm late...
    and it's also Friday the 13th...

  2. Good morning... and happy Friday.. decided to keep the girls home from their stuff today.. I'm having a hard time getting into the swing of things.. I figure while it's not a mandatory thing and I really only send them off for a couple of hours to be social with other kids I would take advantage of it and keep them home..

    Today is tjungondag Knut (or St. Knuts Day in English).. It's the day you are supposed to take down your Christmas tree and throw it out the window.. Well we have a fake tree so there will be no throwing it out the window, but I guess it is time to take down the tree.. I hate doing it every year..

    It's Maia's birthday on Sunday and we will be having a few kids over for a little birthday celebration and I figure it's best to take it down before then as I'm sure it would be taken down by less careful means with a bunch of kids around..

  3. I'm up, doesn't look too menacing out there, hope it's done falling for now, I've got plenty, we can stop now :)

  4. I have been up and out this morning. I took Drew to work and the roads are plowed but still not the best. It is because of the wind blowing the snow still. If anyone is going out just be real careful.

  5. 6th...damp it...Everyone, I hope you all have a P & P day. Use the P's anyway you want, I'm going with predilection and plucky.

  6. BTW, Hale How did the marathon go? Did you do the 1/2 one too?

  7. No fair, Jedwis took up two places. I guess I'm 7th. Have a safe Friday the 13th everyone.

  8. Marathon was great, Jed. One of my fastest ever...these old legs still got a little kick left in them!

    Hard time getting back into the swing of things...between the holidays and then vacation, feels like it has been a while since work slammed me...but I see it coming real fast (fortunately, one of the big upcoming projects involves about 10 days in Maui. Will be a lot of work but hey, it's a lot of work in Maui!)

  9. I took down my sister's real Christmas tree yesterday. I didn't throw it out the window, but I did drag it into the woods behind her home.

    Don't eat the yellow snow!

  10. Oh I forgot. Happy Tjungondag Knut Day Why Not.

  11. I feel like I ran a marathon today. The old pedometer got a work out, for sure. I could tell you stories that would make your mouth literally gape open of antics that took place today! Three day weekend to rest up, yippee! Happy throw the tree out the window day to you all! :)

  12. yes KK... thank you Matin Luther

  13. KK, must be meeting Mme Z at the coppa cabana. lol

  14. We always had MLK day off, or round about with a "winter break day".... they have now just relinquished and are calling it what they should have all along.

    Mme, did you tell jed about our yearly junket? I thought that was a secret.
