Saturday, February 25, 2012

I thought it was Spring

I thought it was spring on Thursday. I took these pictures at my daughters house on Spring Street; then woke up Friday morning and damn if Mother Nature didn't get us again.


Toad said...

SER, That's neat. I live In the city, and I have a couple of doe's In my backyard every once and awhile.

SER said...

The daughter lives east of the hospital on Spring st which is kinda in the city.

She get lost of wild animals, for a while there was a shaggy looking coyote showing up every couple days.

drewzepmeister said...

Nice pics SER!

I've always have been intrigued with wildlife, so naturally I try to take pictures. Deer are very difficult to take pictures of. Hard to get close to them to get a descent shot. All the ones I have taken were shots across a field that end up like brown spots against rows of trees. Savor the moment SER, you got lucky...

OrbsCorbs said...

What a coincidence. I was just talking with a friend about wildlife in the city. He sees more than I do. He, and others, have told me that there are fox in the city. I've never seen any.

drewzepmeister said...

Orbs, I've seen foxes at Shoop Park, Gateway (yes,there) and on 4 Mile Road. They are timid and very shy. They are quick and they don't stick around long enough for anyone to take a good long look at them.

The time I spotted a fox at Shoop Park I had my camera with me. By the time I got the camera out to even turn it on he was LONG GONE...sprinting across the golf course.

SER said...

Pretty soon cats and dogs will be living together!

MinnesotaChick said...

Wow! Excellent pictures!!