Friday, March 23, 2012

Open Blog - Friday & Weekend

Thank God that it's any day I am above ground.


  1. I'm up, it's been a strange, long, stress filled week, off tomorrow, so there is hope!
    Happy Friday one and all!

  2. 3rd...very creative Orbsy. Mr Sherriff you know you could be in a mausoleum? Every one have a P & P day. Question...Do illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?

  3. Number 4!!! The rain has moved out and we are going to be in the 80's. Finally!

  4. Jed, That's an interesting question. Perhaps they wouldn't even recognize that the noodles were actually letters. I wonder If It sell's up here?

  5. 6th...dang no 5th for me today

  6. "Do illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?"

    NAH, they all taste the same.

  7. Well, I was thinking of heading to Phoenix tomorrow for the Elite Eight game, but Michigan State layed an egg which put the kabosh on that idea. Guess its the art fair for me!

  8. And down the stretch they come.... I'm 9th? Good thing I didn't place a bet.

    May I just say that I'm glad this freaking day is over? :S

  9. jedwis, it may not be Mr. Sheriff, it may be Ms. Sheriff. You never know around here.
