Monday, March 19, 2012

Open Blog - Monday & Tuesday

Have a swinging day.


  1. We've had quite the dramatic change in weather here.. I look one second and it was gray and drizzly out side. Mina comes running in and wants me to look outside (I swear just 1 minute after I just got done looking outside) and there is this tornado looking gust of wind outside bringing with it a whole bunch of white stuff (you know what I'm talking about I just will not mention the name of it). this is blowing around at 100mph and within 2 minutes put a layer of this icky white stuff on the ground.. Not a happy camper, looking for the 70-80 degree weather you all got to enjoy there in Racine.. please send it my way!!

  2. I might rise but it takes a long time before I shine, please work caffeine, and soon, thanks :)

  3. Big Week Ahead!

    There will be a Rally for Personal Responsibility and Government Accountability on March 21, 2012starting at 12:30P.M., Kenosha County Courthouse.


    William Bielefeldt vs. John T Dickert et al

    Racine County Case Number 2011CV001078

    03-21-2012 2:00p.m.

    Branch 3 Courtroom 203

    Motion Hearing before Judge Bruce E. Schroeder


    For some odd, and unknown reason, The City of Racine (Resident Taxpayers) has volunteered to be a Third Party Defendant and pay all the bills for John T. Dickert.


  4. Believe it or not, this is the last full day of winter. Yee haw!
    We are having a rainy day here which is fine.
    Why Not - good luck with that nasty white stuff.

  5. Well, depends on how celebrate. The equinox is at 5:14UTC. That would be 12:15am on March 20th CDT. Out here in Tucson, the equinox occurs at 10:14pm on March 19th (and 11:14pm March 19th for those in MDT). Science types use UTC, but many members of hte public use local time and have already said goodbye to the last full day of winter.

    Oddly enough, my calendar from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada lists the equinox at 1:14am on March 20th. Thye are using EDT which is odd since I believe parts of Canada are in the Atlantic time zone (one hour before eastern). Maybe those parts of Canada don't count.

  6. I love Mondays, it's another day i'm alive....woohoo

  7. Somebody forgot to tell spring about the calendar - it started months ago around here.

    So sorry you're bearing the brunt of the winter weather this year, Why Not. The newspaper said hale's state got slammed, too, but mostly in the high country.

    Things are sprouting everywhere. I keep fearing a killing freeze.

    Sick again today, but OK now. I am SO sick of being sick. It has stolen much of my life.

    TSE: "For some odd, and unknown reason, The City of Racine (Resident Taxpayers) has volunteered to be a Third Party Defendant and pay all the bills for John T. Dickert."

    Yes, things are so screwed up that taxpayers are forced to pay for a criminal. Absurd world. Something big is gonna pop soon.

  8. I'm late but,hopefully not forgotten. Worked in the yard a bit today, getting the roses trimmed into shape. Have a new toy and am trying to fly into present technology .... and struggling. My fingers seem to be too big and the text seems too small. Grrrrr.

  9. I'm late but,hopefully not forgotten. Worked in the yard a bit today, getting the roses trimmed into shape. Have a new toy and am trying to fly into present technology .... and struggling. My fingers seem to be too big and the text seems too small. Grrrrr.
