Thursday, March 1, 2012

What, No Monkees Fans?

"Former Monkee Davy Jones dies at age 66 in Florida"

RIP, Davy. You've taken your Last Train to Clarksville.


  1. I saw the Monkees on their 20th Anniversary tour in 1986 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It was about a week before I left for college.

  2. The Monkeemobile is cool:

    I sort of remember watching it as a Kid - but then I am not a fan of TV - I actually find that fortunate!

    Look around you today - This is the TV show, amongst many others that influenced the Baby Boomers.

    Like what you see?

    What did they build, what is their legacy?

    I know "I'm a Bummer" - but look at the garbage dump that is Racine - YEAH, my ideas don't have a place with them - they are still living and wanting the "American Dream" and will throw everyone under the wheels of the Bus to GET THEIRS!

    TV Wasteland.

  3. I remember watching their show. It was funny and entertaining. I, like many females of the time thought he was the cutest. When celebs take their "last train to
    Clarksville," it is a reminder of our own mortality.

  4. He was always my favorite!

    If that works, that is one of his last recordings.


  6. I sure am glad to hear he didn't die because of a drug overdose.

    So many great musicians, singers and comedians have been lost to drugs.

  7. For a "concocted" group, they weren't too bad. The TV show was mindless idiocy, but they had some hits.

  8. Thanks for the links, MC and Tim.

    In that last song, you can tell it's Davy's voice (he still sounded very young), but it kind of sounds like early Bowie, too.

    The audition at 19 is great. They toned down that British accent.

  9. OrbsCorbs said...

    For a "concocted" group, they weren't too bad. The TV show was mindless idiocy, but they had some hits.

    Most of the shows were mindless idiocy back then!! Some now too...

  10. I was so sad to read about his passing, I know we all have to go but it's still sad when it's one of our icons
