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Does that apply to the potions and lotions sold by MME. Zoltar?
ReplyDeleteSheriff...and I need to know this because...? lol
ReplyDeleteThe potions and lotions cover themselves with their own "special qualities."
ReplyDelete"We do not discriminate against the mentally ill!"
ReplyDeleteThank you.
jedwis, you may not need to know this, but others do.
ReplyDeleteI just went back and read all the original comments. I miss the frivolity and some of the posters. It was an exciting time after our "birth."
ReplyDeleteWhile we continue to survive, change, and grow, lots of stuff and years have passed.
No disclaimer is complete enough for legal.............
ReplyDeleteI thought we agreed it was not legal to rebroadcast or retransmit content from this site without the the express written consent of Major League Baseball.
ReplyDeleteHa, hale. It wouldn't be that hard to add...