Monday, April 30, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

Mondays do me.


  1. I'm on top of things this time around.

    I have finally reached my last week of classes after 18 years!

  2. guess it took too long to get the page loaded and a comment typed up. I waited for 12:00 to come too :(

  3. Today is Valborgsmässoafton here in Sweden, I had to look it up what it was called in English I guess it's called Walpurgis Night.. The eve of May Day.. Tonight there will be a HUGE bonfire and singing and speeches.. it's a pretty big day here in Sweden.. It's from the pagan times and from what I understand you have the bonfire to scare off the evil spirits that might threaten your livestock (tomorrow is the day they let the cows out for the summer) and the heat of the fire is also supposed to warm the grounds to bring about strong produce.. It's very eerie to watch the parade of torches and the marching drums to come light a large pile of brush on fire.. after the pile mostly burns down they let off some fireworks and some more singing and we all go home smelling like a large camp fire.. Either way it means that today and tomorrow there is no school and work, which makes it only a 3 day week this week.. yay..

    next week is a full week and the week after that is also a 3 day week..then it is the day of ascension which falls on a Thursday and of course that means you would only go back to school or work on Friday which Sweden finds to be necessary so they give you that day off as well.. a so called klämdag (basically a work day between two holidays or non working days)

  4. Hey thats been a long time since I've done one of those.. you know who this is.. how dare my husband sign into this computer I swear you'd think he owned the thing.. ;-)

  5. Technically...I'm 5th. Legally...I'm 3rd...Realistically...I'm nuts. Actually, I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it. Everyone go P & P today.

  6. Sounds like a great time Why Not. Plus a short work week makes it even better.
    Have a good one everyone.

  7. Happy Valborgsmässoafton day. I wish we celebrated here. I could have used a short week! Then again, a couple extra non-working days always sounds like a good idea to me. ;>

  8. Wow... take a look at the visitor map on the sidebar. Lots and lots of red dots. We sure do get around!

  9. Valborgsmässoafton sounds great. Racine should celebrate it, too.

  10. Orbs, maybe we will be allowed to celebrate it when we are able to pronounce it :) ok, so never?? :(

  11. If that is all it takes, I'll start practicing.

  12. That's one heck of a word.

    I like big bonfires, so the celebration sounds neat. We could have a bonfire in Racine down by the lake somewhere.

  13. It is a very fun celebration.. I like that they will still honor the old traditions here a bit along side of the more modern holidays.. This year they seemed to spare no expense on the fireworks.. The girls were very excited..
