Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Personal Reading by Madame Zoltar

Well, this works out, I guess. I was going to post this yesterday, but I got involved with other things. With Mme. Z unable to do her blog this week, maybe this will help with a Zoltar fix now.

I received a personal, complimentary reading from Madame Zoltar this past January. Twice now I've started to blog about the experience. This is my third attempt. I wish I had saved the draft of my first blog on the subject, when my memories were still fresh.

I hesitated to post my previous blogs for fear that the Madame’s words would prove to be less than true. Shame, shame on me. Oh me of little faith.

Essentially, Madame Zoltar said that I was going to receive one more opportunity to make it. She was very explicit about my responsibility to act responsibly when this occurs. She said, “Seldom have I met anyone given more second chances than you, Mr. OrbsCorbs.” She also said, “Don’t blow it, wise ass.”

I’ve been atingle ever since. This is the song I thought of immediately afterwards:


  1. Go for it! You do have talent, son. Follow the Madame's words. My great grandpa, who lived to be 102 said, "If you don't blow your own horn, someone will use it as a spittoon." As a child, I didn't have the scope to appreciate the old guy as much as I do now.

  2. Orbs, we have always had faith in you.

  3. Thing is, she wasn't very specific about what/when this opportunity is. I have to keep a sharp lookout for it. Otherwise, I could miss it and not even know.
