Monday, May 7, 2012

"Every Breath You Take" Revisited


  1. Where did you get a picture of my dog? Actually this one is cuter.

  2. There are cats that do this, too.

  3. That's my dog "RET" Not really, but sure Is cute. I was going to ask If this was Mary's dog Harley?

  4. Mary's dog and mine both named Harley? What coincidence!

  5. You know looking at this picture reminds me of Harleys first morning with us. I woke up to two paws on the edge of a bed and a face that said are you up, huh, are you up and a tail wagging uncontrollably.
    I'll never forget that as he was so sweet.

  6. My "RET" Is on his last legs (litteraly) He can still stumble along, but slower every day. In his old age (14) he Is really A wonderful dog, and I will miss him, when the time comes. I just hope and pray he goes In the middle of the night, so I don't have to say goodbye at the Vet's office. Daisy, and Mobe will also miss him. It's really neat to see the three of them lying together in front of my TV.

  7. Oh, Toad, I can't take it when a pet dies.
