Friday, May 11, 2012

Open Blog - Friday

Really, I doooo.


  1. Thought I had it. Typing from between the sheets. Froggy must have her posts on auto-dial or something. Second just means you have to try harder, right, Mr. P+P?

  2. good morning all.. well it's the middle of the night there for you, but morning here.. today I'm going to the movies for the first time since seeing The Lion King 3D when I was visiting Racine.. should be fun..

    The weather here is overcast but feels warm in the air (for Swedish standards I'm sure Beejay would not stand for it) The trees are blooming, I always love Sweden in the spring, just gorgeous around here..

    The girls are sleeping over at their grandparents tonight so it's a sleep in day for us tomorrow.. woohoo!!

    So I'm starting my day off very P&P..

  3. 4th ain't all that bad considering it is normal hours. lol Hey, I'm glad to see everyone P-ing, it means we have healthy kidneys. Looks like everyone has weekend plans, KK-"between the sheets" and Why-Not a "sleep in" day wink...wink. lol Question...What ever happened to Preparations A through G? Have a P & P day everyone.

  4. Happy Friday everyone. A rainy one for us but we'll take it.
    Have a great day!

  5. wow, I sleep in and come in 6th!
    yesterday was a definite P&P kinda day, lots of prep work and cleaning, today even more, I refuse to P next week!
    allergies in full swing, and super cleaning means going up against dust bunnies = quality time with the inhaler

  6. Seven, I'm number 7!!!!! Have a great weekend folks. Hot one here...jazz and wine festival on the agenda in Punta Gorda...oh why, oh why did I decide to become civic minded. Now I get invited to all these things. Oh dear. And we all know how much I hate wine and jazz. ;)

  7. Beejay, hope you survive the grueling wine fest! ;> Wish I could be there to help take off some of the pressure!

  8. Very hectic here. Might have an upcoming break after next week for a little while...but not too long!

  9. Ya you'll be wobble'in Beejay...laug'in.

  10. Wrong start to a beautiful day.

    Got up, got all cleaned up, went to the doctor, got there at 10:55 appointment at 11. NOT appointment isn't till 1:00.

  11. WHERE Is "Four for Friday's" I live for "Bedtime Games, and Drew's questions.

  12. Toad - Drew & THB are up north for a few days.

  13. Hey Beejay. My friends in Racine just bought a place in Punta Gorda. I'll have to let her know to invite us to this event when they move down.
