Friday, May 18, 2012

Open Blog - Friday

Yahoo, too!


hale-bopp said...

And eclipse weekend! My star party in Payson tomorrow night has been cancelled by wildfires. That's a new one for me, so after finishing up all the work in Payson tomorrow, I get to head to Flagstaff a night early. Gives me an early start Saturday to see Meteor Crater and Sunset Crater. Sunday is all about the eclipse in the Grand Canyon and why does it suddenly sound like there are fireworks outside my hotel room in Globe? Are they blasting at the mines at this hour of night?

SER said...

Boppster...why was it cancelled...too much smoke or the fire to close?

lizardmom said...

wow, those are some crazy eyes!
Happy Friday everybody! I have a 3 day weekend, hello sleep!

jedwis said...

4th(who cares?) I hope ya'll have a P & P day. Too bad Hale doesn't have too much excitement in his life, right LM? Ham and Eggs - A day's work for a chicken...a lifetime commitment for a pig.

OKIE said...

Be careful of those fires Hale. Happy Friday everyone.

Tender Heart Bear said...

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Lizardmom just relax all weekend you deserve it.

SER said...

It's 10:48am and still Friday

OrbsCorbs said...

1:15 and all is well.

kkdither said...

Well, jed, I've earned my weekly chicken. My pedometer read 11,500 steps when I took it off at 3:15 pm. My feet HURT and my usual laissez-faire comportment has been abused, not amused. Happy weekend, all. It couldn't have arrived one minute later.