Saturday, May 26, 2012

Open Blog - Weekend



  1. Wow!!! I'm first? Have a great weekend...going to be hotter than Madame Zoltar's sex appeal down here.

  2. Lucky cat!

    Lol, beejay! It is supposed to be mighty hot around here on Sunday. You wouldn't know it at the moment: in the 50's with thunder and light rain.

  3. Beejay, as Robin Willians said in "Good Moring Vietnam" - enough for crouch pot cook'in

  4. I got my a/c unit in yesterday. Bring on the heat.

  5. 8:30 pm and it's a little chilly in my apartment. All the windows are closed. They're still saying 91° for tomorrow.

  6. Happy weekend everyone! Have a happy and safe Memorial Day

  7. It's Mothers Day here in Sweden today.. I got breakfast in bed today, quite nice. The last two nights there have been people outside that feel it's ok to start yelling as loud as they can at about 1 am.. my sleep has been disturbed, it's not going to be pretty. I figure the grass is going to be cut at 6am next weekend.

    Our weather here is nice, not too hot mid to high 70s

    anyways enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  8. Happy Mother's Day, Why Not. I hope you have a lovely day. (I slept in, too!)

  9. Happy Swedish Mother's Day, Why Not.

    They predicted 91 for us today, but I don't think it even hit 80. Beautiful day.
