This stuff kills me; spend tax dollars to arrest more people....Seems like a dictatorship!
Seat belt enforcement in Racine, Caledonia.
Journal Times staff JournalTimes.com
Posted: Saturday, May 19, 2012 5:48 am.
RACINE — The City of Racine and Village of Caledonia police departments will mobilize for Click It or Ticket safety belt enforcement from Monday to June 3.
The City of Racine and the Village of Caledonia police departments will intensify enforcement of Wisconsin’s mandatory safety belt law during the annual Click It or Ticket mobilization. Officers will stop a vehicle and issue citations for an unbuckled driver or passenger. The goal of this effort is not to issue more citations, but to have everyone buckle up voluntarily and reduce the number of traffic deaths in Wisconsin to zero.
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I don't think that targeting something for a short period of time has a long term effect upon drivers' behavior. We need more traffic enforcement in Racine and we need more police to catch the crooks and killers. Eliminate the City Administrator position and hire two more cops instead.
The goal of this effort is not to issue more citations, but to have everyone buckle up voluntarily and reduce the number of traffic deaths in Wisconsin to zero.
SO...that means everyone will get off with a verbal warning??????
They could also reduce accidents by not letting the illegal mexicans drive in the winter, they can't drive worth shit in the summer time as it is. Put snow and ice on the road and.......
SER, We got the same BULLSHIT story up here. The jerks allow people to drive 50 mph In a 25 zone all year, but now they are going to work extra hours to catch people not wearing seatbelts. I believe people are crazy not to wear seatbelts, but I wish they would take the people off the road that don't have insurance. They really piss me off. I a person doesn't wear a seatbelt, and fly's through a window too bad. Who's fault Is that? I get hit by some dope without insurance, and he doesn't pay they take his license away. You don't really think he Is going to stop driving do you? NOPE.
I am one of the idiots who rarely wear a seatbelt and I know I should.
I got stopped by a Wisconsin State Patrol Officer. I was zoom’in along not paying attention and when the lights on the patrol car came on I looked down at the speedometer and said, Oh Shit. The officer asked me if I was in a hurry and I told him the same thing, just not paying attention and when I saw the lights, I said oh shit, he started laugh’in...BUT he gave me a warning ticket and a $10.00 ticket for no seatbelt!
Illegal Mexicans, those who don't have insurance and WORST OF ALL, those who have been arrested 3, 4, 5+ times for drunken driving. I believe the state should have the right to confiscate ALL of the offender’s automobiles until all his/her time has been paid and all of his/her finds have been paid. But the “bleeding hearts” will say, “what about the rest of the family, how are they going to get around and go grocery shopping, etc.”
Timt49, The goal of this effort..., I agree with this somewhat, when it starts to cost you money you learn fast.
BUT what I do think is funny is the speed traps they set up during the summer. There is generally one on Ohio Street and Main Street. I live just off 16th street and I swear at 6:30 in the morning you would think its Dayton out there and everyone (well most) think they are NASCAR drivers....gezzzzz.
Douglas Ave north of Goold St was a racetrack. It's all under construction now. The cars will probably go faster on the new road. If need be, I was OK doing 45 mph on Douglas, but even at that, I was passed by a few.
I reiterate: I don't believe that these short term stings have much long term effect.
Wisconsin is lax about drunk driving, and the US is lax compared to much of the world. Some countries have zero tolerance for drunk driving. One time and you're out. No license again ever.
Check out the first three stories here: http://www.journaltimes.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/police-reports-alleged-drunk-driver-tried-to-order-at-closed/article_5f3efbcc-a147-11e1-81f1-001a4bcf887a.html OWI, fifth offense. Felony OWI. And these stories are not uncommon here. It shows the power of the Tavern League and the liquor lobby in Wisconsin.
I know I ought to wear seat belts. I don't like them. But, I don't know if it's my height, or what, but, seat belts always end up coming across my neck and one breast. It makes me feel very claustrophobic.
Thing is, I'm a safe driver with insurance.
Ser...I totally agree with you on taking the cars. Too bad for the family, the driver should think about that. I always wear my belt now..keopt thinking of accident or rollover and getting parts of me cut off.Plus I am proud as buttons when I drive by a cop car 'legal'. Plus I wear my 'work' jacket (you guys know what it says) so the cops will know I am a nice person. I crack myself up every time I comment!!!!!
Let's try looking at it another way. When you are involved in an accident and ejected from a vehicle - well, someone has to clean up the body parts, and the taxpayers are paying. It's much easier to clean up an intact body from a strapped position in a vehicle instead of body parts that may be scattered about.
I wear a seat belt all the time - because I used to off-road and street race. When you lose control of the vehicle, being strapped in tightly helps keep you in position and allows you to regain control faster. (if you haven't lost control, well, you haven't driven hard enough...)
Here is kind of a cool one - guy walked into a rotating helicopter blade - it separated the brain from the skull - neat-o in one of those morbidly fascinating ways!
Chopper Decapatition
Buckle up! and don't be selfish by leaving a bunch of body parts laying around expecting someone else to scrape them up, put them back together, and taxpayers to pay for it.
My mom was in a bad car accident about 5 years ago and they had to cut her out of the seat belt. If she didn't have that on she would not be here now.
I always tell the kids my car does not move until the seat belts are on. I even tell that to Drew. I worry about Drew driving back and forth to work. He is a very safe driver but it is the other idiots out there is the reason why I worry.
When I have someone tailgating me I purposely slow down to doing the exact speed limit. I hate tailgating.
The last two days the police have been out there big time. It's like you turn around there is another one. I could not believe it.
We should have a "List you most annoying driving habits"?
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