Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Useless Information

Did you know:

There are more germs on a public bathroom floor then any other place in the room.

You have a greater chance of catching something if you put your purse on the floor then touch your purse.

I guess this one isn't really useless information.


legal stranger said...

That's why I don't use a purse !

OrbsCorbs said...

That's why I don't use public restrooms.

OrbsCorbs said...

Hey, will the $400,000 restrooms in City Hall be germy, too? Maybe they'll be rich, crony germs.

SER said...

Maybe that's what happened to the current and past mayor...they caught some type of idiot germ...

kkdither said...

Just one more talent we develop as women: the ability to not sit on the seat while balancing a purse on our laps! ;>

jedwis said...

Need I say more? Introducing George Costanza...
He has an affinity for nice restrooms and lush work facilities. In "The Revenge", he quits his real estate job solely because he is forbidden to use his boss's private bathroom. In "The Busboy", he claims to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the locations of the best bathrooms in the city. When working for the Yankees, he suggested having the bathroom stall doors stretched all the way to the floor (allowing people's legs not to be seen while in the stalls), and, in many episodes, he shows a fascination with toilet paper and its history. He also displays a fear of diseases, such as lupus and cancer. In "The Wife", George gets into trouble for urinating in the shower at a gym but defends his action with, "It's all pipes! What's the difference?"

Sassa said...

My mom never wore slacks to public functions because she said she would have to take them down and they would rest on the floor of a bathroom. I never took much stock in it but.......!

kkdither said...

Believe it or not.... there is an app you can download to your phone that will give you all the restrooms within your gps location. People actually rank restrooms on cleanliness and comfort. Not a bad deal if you find yourself making frequent stops while on the road? Usually, you can tell just by looking whether you want to make the stop, or move on a little further down the road.

SER said...

KK, is that called Multi-tasking?

OrbsCorbs said...

When my stomach problems were raging, I got to know where the restroom was in each of the stores I frequent. It was a matter of course; if I went out, I'd have to use a restroom.

I never gave any thought to the floors, though. Maybe instead of "Wash Your Hands," they should have signs that say, "Wash Your Shoes."

kkdither said...

I used to work at the local hospital. We were told to never wear your work shoes into your home due to the germs you pick up, even if you only walk in the main hallways. Hospital germs can be much more deadly, despite all the cleaning and sanitizing they do.... Our buddy, SER, has a few stories I'm sure he'd share!

SER said...

Our buddy, SER, has a few stories I'm sure he'd share!

Well here’s one for ya KK,

I caught some kind of virus and I had a blood test a few months later. When I was at work and walked up the stairs to the 3rd floor I was totally out of breath and I figured, go smoke another cigarette SER. Well the blood test showed I was running out of blood, 2 pints short!

My spleen made enough anti-bodies to kill the virus but never shut down and was over producing. So off to the blood doctors and it soundrd just like I had Leukemia but thank goodness it wasn’t. They gave me mega quantities of prednisone, that shit is horrible.

After a year of averaging 3 hours sleep a night and gaining 50lbs, they cut my spleen out and the doc told me NEVER NEVER NEVER go to the hospital for anything, not even to visit a friend. Only go if I had to be admitted to the ER! He said there are way too many germs in hospitals!

Lika's Laments said...

And this is the reason why when there were no baby changing places, and I had to use the floor, I'd have a plastic/rubber mat to put my baby down on, and in the bag, a can of disinfectant spray to spray off the mat, that I'd put in a plastic bag...

I prefer not to use public restrooms, but, I've noticed, surprisingly, that the cleanest restrooms are usually at McDonald's and Speedway gas stations.