Monday, June 18, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

I hope that your day is smooth sailing.


SER said...

Jed, Jed, where in the world is Jed.

lizardmom said...

reporting in from the opening crew...

drewzepmeister said...

Home from Up North and now off to work.... Gonna catch up catch to blogs later

kkdither said...

Lady of leisure rises at a normal time. :)

jedwis said...

I'm right I hope you all have a P & P day. Question, if money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches

OKIE said...

I'm starting today being totally jealous of KK. I need a vacation. Have a great day everyone.

Toad said...

Mary, Quit work and sit outside on your sidewalk and sell "Kool Aid" DON'T forget the TIP jar.

kkdither said...

Mary, you wouldn't believe the punishment I took all year to arrive here. Mentally, and physically... I NEEDED this.

OKIE said...

I hear you KK and fully understand you need it desperately more than me. Still jealous though. Mine will come soon enough.

Toad - that would be a great idea if we had kids in the neighborhood. HOWEVER, around here at some major intersections we have people begging for money. Maybe I could try that?

jedwis said...

Yeah, KK is back full time, now we get to hear from her...all day long! We waited all school year for this time.

Mary, are the beggars members of the Thunder after the loss? Oh, wait they are all multi-millionares.

Let me ask ya'll this...why do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions?

OKIE said...

Don't be picking on my Thunder team Jed. Seriously though, I have no idea how much they make. As for the beggars, sometimes I want to stop and point out the grocery store across the street is hiring. Not that it would matter to them.

Tender Heart Bear said...

Yes we made it home from up north. Had a great time with both families and the wedding was amazing. Drew was the photographer for my nieces wedding and the picture are awesome. Great job Babe!

Toad said...

Here I am In "Gods Country" Only In "Gods Country" can you find COW MANURE and straw In the middle of the State Highway In front of your house. YUP, this Is It. It's been run over a thousand times and brought at least a block down the highway.

OrbsCorbs said...

Toad, our city hall is full of cow manure.

kkdither said...'ve never minced words. Lmao!

Jed... thanks for being so patient. I started the countdown at 180.

OKIE said...

Orbs - have I ever told you I worked at City Hall?

Toad said...

Does anybody remember getting all of their childhood shots In the basement of City Hall? That was Mary. LOL

OKIE said...

That's funny Toad. A bit of truth to it as well.
I don't remember things being like they are now, that is for sure. Not this kind of corruption. Sad, really sad.

Beejay said...

And today we are coming to you from Pend Orielle, Idaho. A nice balmy 50 to wear a sweatshirt...refreshing...start to Montana tomorrow ...seeing some beautiful country.

OrbsCorbs said...

You worked at City Hall, Mary? Wow. Do you still have any connections?

Back when I had no insurance, I would get blood work done by the lab in city hall because it was the cheapest. My doctor told me to go there.