Saturday, June 23, 2012

Open Blog - Weekend

Enjoy yourselves.


  1. Le numéro un.

    Froglover is probably partied out.

  2. Dos.

    Going to an Auction, need more junk. I think It's gonna rain like crazy?

  3. երեք... (supposedly 3 in Armenian) Toad, we've seen very little rain around here. I had grass seed planted about a month and a half ago and have had to water almost every day.

  4. I'm off to run errands before the 96 temps hit. Have a good weekend everyone.

  5. Hey...slept like crap last night again.... time to face the world

  6. slept in til 10, it was wonderful! lazy day planned for today, only goal set is finishing a riveting book I've been at for a while now

  7. All It did was sprinkle for about half an hour. The auction was a BUST. They have better stuff at ST. VINNIES. I did however get a real nice set of men's Wilson golf clubs, In a nice bag, with new balls, and tee's etc. All for $9.00 The best part of this story Is I DON'T GOLF. But like I said before. If your looking for something, I may just have It. Just ask.

  8. Toad, do you have a list of your inventory available online?

  9. mission accomplished :) I finished the book "Breaking Night". I'm not an avid reader, usually only reading to help me fall asleep. I only read real stories, people fascinate me.
    This girls story is both sad and incredibly inspiring. There was even a movie (that I haven't seen) about her life from homeless to Harvard. Just an incredible story of her life, I highly recommend it as a very good read :)

  10. Went to Trout Ponds this morning while Tender heart was at work. Nailed some pics of a green heron and a wood duck. Later in the afternoon, Tender Heart and I went to Grant Park in South Milwaukee. Gorgeous and big! We got a nice pic of a great blue heron.

  11. Legal, INVENTORY, are you kidding? Nope, It's all In my memory, but not In alphabetical order.

  12. I don't do rummage sales because of my pack rat mentality. Living in an apartment limits how much junk I can collect. When mom had a garage, I filled it with junk and cleaned it out, twice.

  13. A positive and productive weekend so far...

    Last night we went to see Lydon Moon at the Beachside Oasis. Some rockin' guitar work there!

    This morning saw a trip to Schoop Park were some stellar photos of a Cardinal, a Spotted Sandpiper, a Common Tern and a Cooper's Hawk were taken. In the afternoon, a trek to some rummage sales proved successful. Got our hands on some PJ's for Tender Heart's granddaughter and some smokin' albums (Faces, James Gang, Billy Joel, UFO, Chicago, Elton John) for me.
