Hello everybody! Welcome back to Four for Fridays! I'm still up, leading a nocturnal life for the moment. I'm not a vampire, just trying finish things before I go to bed here. Since I'm still up, I might as well throw some questions your way....
1) If the Beatles were to reunite for a concert, what tunes would you want to hear?
2) What kind of spices do you like in your food?
3) What habit would like to try to break?
4) Do you have a better time falling asleep on your back or on your side?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
I guess I will lead off, hopefully with a double, lol ( some of you will get that one)
1. Whatever Mary wants to hear, I'll be in charge of food & drinks.
2. Speaking of vampires, I'm a big fan of garlic, I put it on everything. Might be why I have no friends.
3. Too many to pick just one out, probably going to church too much, next year I'm giving it up for lent.
4. Depends on whether it was vodka or rum.
Thanks Drew, enjoy summerfest.
1. A Day in the Life.
2. Salt, Garlic,
3. It certainly can't be a secret?
4. Back
jedwis, I'll be your friend.
1) To many good songs to try to pick from. The ones that come to my head right now are Hey Jude, Strawberry Fields and Twist and Shout!
2) Main ones I use are Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Pepper and sometimes Teriyaki sauce Worcestershire sauce. Yes I do not use any salt on anything.
3) Smoking
4) Neither on my stomach most of the time.
Have a great weekend!
1. don't throw anything at me Drew but I really never listened to Beetles stuff, but with THB mentioning Twist and Shout, I have heard that one and like it :)
2. garlic and onion
3. need to think on that one to pick just one
4. side I think, I'm usually out before I realize how I'm doing it hehehe!
1. It would be a heavenly reunion, wouldn't it? Something, Here There & Everywhere, A Day in the Life, Sgt. Pepper, etc., etc., etc.
2. Salt & Pepper
3. Smoking
4. Side.
Thanks Jed - I have all the albums/cd's and DVD's so the music is covered. And I'll have a cocktail with you.
And, as always Drew, thanks for the post.
1. I saw McCartney with Wings in Chicago. He did a lot of Beatles songs. It was the most amazing concert. They could sing anything and I'd be mesmerized.
2. Stay away from Jed and me... we probably reek of garlic.
3. Too many to list
4. On my side with the blankets tucked between my knees... and my toes poking out of the bottom of the sheets. ;>
1) All the songs.
2) Garlic and pepper, but not too much of either one.
3) I'd like to break the habit of being a fat slob.
4) I sleep on my stomach.
1) Personally, I love to hear a three set show, beginning with an acoustic set. In that set I'd LOVE to hear "Two of Us", "Across the Universe", "Blackbird" and "Rocky Raccoon" Ending the show has GOT to be "Hey Jude". Tunes like "A Day in the Life", "Get Back", "Come Together" and too many of other tunes have got be thrown in..
Id see an interesting blog post about this a couple of years ago on Bloggerythms.
2) Seasoned salt.
3) Smoking
4) On my left side.
Oh yeah Mary, I also do have ALL of the Beatle albums...
1) Their orginal stuff when they first made it big.
2) pepper, garlic, beer
3) potty talk
4) side?
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