Hello everyone! Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends! It's been a positive and productive week so far and I'm thanking it's Friday. Anyways, here are some questions for you...
1) Have you been watching the Olympics? If so, what event?
2) What profession do you think gets overpaid?
3) What profession do you think gets underpaid?
4) What has been the highlight of your summer so far?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
OK, I'll go first. Hey Drew, glad to hear you are being P & P.
1. Somewhat, whatever is on, mostly interested in sports you don't see too often. I particularly like the bedtime stories event, which I won the gold last week.
2. Athletes on a contract, you should get paid by performance and results, nothing guaranteed, you need to earn it everytime you compete. People in movies and TV.
3. Winners of Bedtime Stories and teachers of pre- college age children.
4. Winning last weeks Bedtime stories. Have I mentioned that?
1. I have been watching the bedtime games story onfold, did all of you notice jed's gold?
2. most recent winner of bedtime games, gold was overcompensated.
3. founder of bedtime games
4. did anybody mention jed's bedtime games gold this week. LMAO.......
Becoming the winneraire for jed has become like Prez Clinton's famous blue dress proudly worn by Monica.
Still LMAO.................
1. Yes. I've enjoyed the gynasticss, basketball, swimming, and am looking forward to track and field.
2. Athletes are over paid.
3. Teachers are underpaid.
4. I will say the latest winner of bedtime games has been the highlight.
1.Yes, most of what has been televised.
2/3. I firmly believe that whatever anyone makes, as long as the market of supply and demand supports it, is a fair price. It is so easy to sit back in your job, look at someone else and begrudge them their pay. From my experience and previous variety of jobs, I've learned that until you walk a mile in their circumstance, you don't have a clue what their job entails: if they sleep at night with worry (ceo, etc), if they lose their private person (stars/idols/politics)if their bodies are forever damaged (athletes), if they risk death (police/firemen) or if they work within an insanely difficult situation and constraints. (teachers)
4. The time off and the sleep make me a much nicer (and smarter) person. It was an exhaustive year. Stella needed to get her groove back.
Jed... I give you full 10's on all three P's: Positivity, Productivity, and Ponderisming. (I think I made up a few words, lol)
1. No, personally I think It's a waste of money. Now the winners are trying to become free from paying taxes on all the money they make from winning medals.
3. Anyone working FOR someone else.
4. I'm still alive.
1. some - volleyball both indoors and beach, some gymnastics, and a little swimming, whatever is on when I turn it on really
2. um, hello, politicians, the end.
3. Anybody non politician, CEO, actor, or professional sports
4. any day I didn't have to work!
1) When I go to the channel to see what on the t.v..
2) I think it is the athletes.
3) I think it is the nurses.
4) It has been the concerts, going and getting wildlife pics and wildflower pics and having my granddaughter down for the weekend.
Have a great weekend!♥
Looks like Jed is having a good time!
1) Not much of it...Just bits and pieces.
For questions two and three I was going to say in the lines of politicians being overpaid and well, me underpaid, but kk gave a well rounded thoughtful answer. I really liked what she had to say.
4) So far, the two concerts that we to were great. I have been having a blast taking wildlife photos. So far, so good, summer has been great!
1) No, I'm not into most sports.
2) The top professional athletes.
3) Teachers.
4) Early tomatoes.
1) The cutie little gymnast girls. They scare me when they’re on the balance beam, I’m so afraid they are going to get hurt.
2) Not sure who said CEO's, you hit it right on the head!
3) Retirees
4) Nothing stands outs
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