Friday, August 10, 2012

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Again, we're back to another episode of Four for Fridays! It's been a long and rather unexciting week for me. Good to have the weekend here. Anyways, some questions for you...

1) Do you know how to use the metric system?

2) Have you ever slept the entire day away?

3) What kind of jewelry do you wear?

4) How many keys on your key ring?

Enjoy your weekend!


legal stranger said...

1) Do you know how to use the metric system?

A. Does that have anything to do with weight loss?

2) Have you ever slept the entire day away?

A. Only with blondes brunettes and redheads

3) What kind of jewelry do you wear?

A. Bling

4) How many keys on your key ring?

A. Only the key to happiness (which by the way doesn't always work)

kkdither said...

1. Not bloody well good enough, I can survive, though.
2. Only if I've been sick.
3. Are you buying me a present? ;>
4. 2, and a whistle and a bottle opener. Just another form of P&P: practical and prepared!

DodgeBoy said...

1) I understand the metric system fairly well.

2)I wish I could sleep that long.

3)No jewelry.

4)4 keys and a Dodge key fob.

OKIE said...

1. Not really.
2. Only when sick (hangovers fall into this category).
3. Wedding ring, earrings, watch.
4. I have 7 keys on my key ring and have determined I don't know what two of them are for. Of course I won't get rid of them.

Thanks Drew!

Toad said...

1. NO, and I think It stinks.

2. Not all, but certainly MOST.

3. My wedding ring, and a watch.

4. Too many. I think they are pulling the ignition switch out of my steering column? I don't even know what some of them are for?

Toad said...

Mary, I am going to my stuff to find some earrings right now. I hope I have some that don't require holes?

KK, I like your #4 Never too safe.

Tender Heart Bear said...

1) Not real good but to bet me by!

2) When I was sick and sometimes after I had to help with karaoke up north!

3) A ring and sometimes my earrings and necklace that Drew had bought me for Christmas.

4) I have 7 keys, 2 key rings and some key cards for the stores.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!♥

jedwis said...

Hello Newman, I mean Drew.

1. I know how to open a 5th, does that count? I think a 5th is metric.
2. A day, like in 24hrs? No, not on purpose at least, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
3. The only jewelry I have is a necklace, blessed by someone, that in case they find me in a ditch somewhere says " I am a Catholic...Please call a priest"
4. 1 key, very important one indeed, to the liquor cabinet.

Why Not? said...

1. I'm not great at it but yeah I use it daily..

2. Yup, did as a teenager

3. wedding ring and some times a necklace that my sister and I have copies of, earings (very simple studs) and on special occasions my pearl ring I got for having Maia and my diamond ring I got for having Mina..

4. 3 house, laundry room and my bike key..

MinnesotaChick said...

Not really, don't even understand why they have it.
when I was sick
4 rings, a bracelet, a necklace and earrings
6 keys, 2 store tags, a knife, and a dangly dog

SER said...

1) metric system? The Queen's sucks, but I do understand most of it

2) slept the entire day away?
Hell yes, it's great

3) jewelry do you wear?
One ring....

4) keys on your key ring?
5, way to many

lizardmom said...

1. know how? in theory but not if my life depended on it, and if we were forced into it, I'm pretty sure it would be the end of the world, so my life wouldn't matter anyways
2. only when I had early stage pneumonia, got up to hydrate and use the bathroom, refill the vaporizer, otherwise it was about a day and a half of nothing but bed
3. earrings, wedding ring, have to have a watch! the rest are decided on the day, depending on what I'm wearing I guess, so many options :)
4. which key ring? :)
my work keys - 7 plus a mini flashlight and nail clipper.
my regular keys - car key set clipped to the big set - 6 keys, nail clipper, tape measure, flashlight , flat screw driver, and 10 store/library/rewards thingies - gotta be prepared for anything you know :) don't laugh at my flat screw driver - years ago, while waiting in the jury duty waiting room, we were bored out of our minds and an empty chair in front of me and the bored people beside me, they flipped the chair over and I tightened it up, no more wiggling! that was the extent of our excitement, we were released a short time later

drewzepmeister said...

1) Does knowing how to use a 10mm wrench count?

2) When I came down with a bout of pneumonia I did.

3) Can't wear jewelry at work, so why bother.

4) 8 keys(a couple of them of which I don't know what lock they work on), a bottle opener, a half a dozen store cards and remote to a car I no longer have. (I use it to hang my keys to my belt loop).

OrbsCorbs said...

1) I more or less can use the metric system.

2) Yes, I've slept the entire day away.

3) No jewelry, just a Timex watch.

4) Way, way, way too many keys on my key rings. One ring is just for the truck, so it doesn't pull out the ignition switch with the weight of all the other keys.

hale-bopp said...

1. In science, I use it all the time. Fully bi-lingual in that respect.

2. Not unless sick or injured.

3. Earrings, that's about it.

4. Too many!

hale-bopp said...
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