Sunday, August 12, 2012


I won a Gold Medal this year at the London Olympics


SER said...

One of my teammates unfortunately should have had a designated driver.

When she was pulled over her BA was .26! The officer asked her how she can be so drunk and be so coherent at the same time? She said, “I drink a lot beer”.

THEN, she asked one of the officers to taze her; she said she has never been tazed and wanted to know what it feels like!

Now that’s a teammate!!! This is a true story....

OrbsCorbs said...

Congratulations, SER, on taking the gold! That's another thing for the JTI to boast about.

I would not ask to be tased if I were sober or drunk. I've never been tased. I don't want to know what it feels like. I've seen plenty of videos of people being tased. They all seem to be in excruciating pain. No, thank you.

kkdither said...

I've heard that all users of taser guns have to be tased themselves before being certified. My heart doesn't need the Timex (takes a lick and keeps on ticking)test. Besides, I hear you can lose control of your bowel and bladder. No thanks, I'll pass.

OKIE said...

Congratulations SER on a job well done.

SER said...

When I was working as technician at one of my employers, I was in a hurry (that’s when most accidents happen), it was hot and my hands where all wet from sweating. My hand slipped off a screwdriver and I touched two legs of a 460 volt 30 amp machine control; it blew me off the ladder on to the floor, burnt my hand and it hit me so hard I peed and pooped blood for 3 days. My chest, shoulders and arm hurt for about a week like someone took a baseball bat to me and really enjoyed themselves. No, I don't need to be tased, I don’t need that trip any more.