Sunday, August 5, 2012

If I were the Devil

Past or present.. its still the same....

Do you remember the famous ABC radio news commentator Paul Harvey?
Millions of Americans listened to his programs which were broadcast over 1,200 radio stations nationwide.
When you listen to it, remember the commentary was broadcast 47 years ago.... April 3, 1965. It's short... less than 3 minutes.


  1. Unfortunately, a lot of that has come to pass. How did he know about pedo priests in 1965?

    My father listened to Paul Harvey religiously.

  2. I was thinking they didn't have drug sniffing dogs in the 60's but realized it has been updated through the years. Amazing. Good Day!

  3. Or drug sniffing dogs in schools... did they even have that "technology" back then?

  4. Mary, jinx .... I was typing the same thing at the same time. This little unit and its autocorrect slows me way down!

  5. I loved to listen to him; he was down to earth on the topics he spoke about.

    What did he also say, "And now you know the rest of the story?"

  6. Paul Harvey wrote all his stuff originally. Later on in life as he was getting older his son did the writing for him and he just read it.

  7. I read his book, The Rest of the Story, which was very interesting. At the end the editor told how he had applied for the job, along with several others, going through interviews, oral questions, sending in a resume, and his 'rest of the story'...he was Paul Harvey's son.

  8. thanks for the info Anonymous
