Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just a little reminder...

Update: This sure got pushed down the page, and with very little feedback, I must say! 
If you are out and about, please stop by. 
We'll accept you even without an R.S.V.P., but expect to be harassed.
See you there!  ;> 
(kk hijacked this blog)

Just a little reminder - 
our get together is 
at the previous 'party' location.
Please RSVP here so we can
get a rough head count, and 
know who to watch for :)
Any questions, 
shoot me an email

Sadly I will be late getting there, 
hubby is going to be in town and
I will need to shoo him off before
I can have fun hehehe! 


  1. Orbs, was that in form of the song?
    I'll be there!

  2. legal stranger, this is my song when we're all ready to leave...

    Show me the way to go home
    I’m tired and I want to go to bed
    Oh I had a little drink about an hour ago
    And it when right to my head.
    Wherever I may roam, on land or sea or foam
    You can always hear me sing’in this song.
    Show me the way to go home.

  3. Ser,
    hum us a few bars at the reunion.

  4. Saddle up the stove ma, we going to ride the range tonight....

    oh shit, I need to go to bed.

  5. my favorite part still, was when strangers were mesmerized by our sign and had to get a picture - and I still don't think they realized we were all watching them, priceless!

  6. Drew took a picture of them taking a picture.

    I had a good time. It's always nice to see each other. Let's do it more often.

  7. I was great seeing everyone today and also meeting legal stranger.

    Lizardmom- I don't know if the people taking a picture of the sign or the people wearing the shoes from the seventies was funnier. Maybe about the same for me.

    Orbs- The picture turned out great we will get it up soon.

    I hope everyone has a good week!

  8. A pleasure to meet the attending players of the irregular team.
    Second on orbs comment, even a morning coffee meeting would be good.
    And thanks again for the beer.
    Keep in mind the book 1984.
