Thursday, August 16, 2012

Open Blog - Thursday

Rock on!


  1. Did you know that is three words a woman never wants to hear when she is having sex....honey I'm home!!!

  2. haha.. I would imagine that goes for both men and women..

    Well I'm on my 4th day of work and it's going well.. it's a pretty physical job so I am getting tired in my body.. after so many years of staying at home the girls (which is also physical but in another way) I feel like I'm quite out of shape for this stuff.. but it will get better..
    I like getting away but I miss my girls and the house is looking a bit out of sorts.. in a way it's nice to miss the girls a bit..

    anyways here I go again.. I hope your Thursdays are good ones..

  3. Why Not...

    For the men it's, "is it in"?

    Talk about an ego crusher...laugh'in

  4. SER is on a roll today and cracking me up. Have a good Thursday everyone.

  5. I'll take fourth. Jed, you around?

  6. I guess I'll take his 5th. Jed's been absent so much, I'm marking him truant. :(

  7. It was good to hear thunder and rain this morning. We just don't get enough.

  8. Hi everyone!
    I just want to know why Autumn is starting in August this year? :(
