Infotainment - Racine, Wisconsin, USA
Damn, 1 more year of school and I could have had a job.
Legal Stranger, isn’t it nuts, you just master Crayolas and start working with real pencils and they toss you into the work force.
So, do you get a diploma after third grade?
I need to borrow KK's telescope to check out one of those windows.
Boy, I could probably get a good job there... but look at my housing choices!
They call the ones on top "penthouses."
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Damn, 1 more year of school and I could have had a job.
Legal Stranger, isn’t it nuts, you just master Crayolas and start working with real pencils and they toss you into the work force.
So, do you get a diploma after third grade?
I need to borrow KK's telescope to check out one of those windows.
Boy, I could probably get a good job there... but look at my housing choices!
They call the ones on top "penthouses."
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