Monday, September 10, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

How can anybody be happy when the Packers lost their first game?


  1. We have a different TV package now and part of it comes with a bunch of different sport channels.. I usually get annoyed by such things ( I hate having to flip through them to find something good on) but the upside I have noticed now that I can actually watch football here in Sweden!! although they are usually on too late so I only get to watch the beginning.. I could tell that it was not going to be a good game for the Pack in the beginning so waking up to the news that they lost is not surprise..

    Not to bring up any controversy but do I understand it right that the refs were scabs?? because it seemed to be a bit of strange calls going on.. even the Swedish commentators were commentating on some of the ify calls going on.

  2. I agree with you Why Not on the calls but yet that didn't lose the game for the Pack. They were out-played by the 49'ers. And now we play the Bears on Thursday.
    Have a great Monday everyone.

  3. Morning.......

    Yes the Packers sucked yesterday and the refs, I can't even talk about them without using tons of potty words so I'll leave it alone.

  4. It's getting tougher & tougher to get the 5th. Have a P & P day everyone.

    If you leave alphabet soup cooking on the stove, and go out...It could spell DISASTER.

    A criminal's best asset is his lie ability.

    They giving out dead batteries at the mall...they were free of charge.

    Did you hear about the dog that gave birth to puppies near the road? She was ticketed for littering.

  5. BTW, because the Packers lost the more beer sales at Lambeau Field. lol

  6. late but still in time :)
    for a Monday it wasn't too bad and tomorrow is a super short day, so I have an ambitious to-do list in my head - goal - downsizing, went thru the upstairs stuff, now on the basement where everything else is stashed, I think Goodwill will love me by the end of the week :)
