Monday, September 17, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

I hope that your day is not a hair curling one.


kkdither said...

I'll take the #1 spot, and since it looks like I'll be short some sleep, can I have the day off? :)

lizardmom said...

and coming in 2nd...
very uneventful weekend, fought a migraine and felt like a vampire staying in the dark, but I think I'm well rested going into today, we'll see if it lasts :)

OKIE said...

3rd??? On Monday I beat Jedwis? After 4 days of cloudy, chilly, days I was hoping for sun today. Right now all I see is fog.
Have a great day everyone!

SER said...

Enjoy all these Mondays, there won't be any after 12/21/2012

OKIE said...

Gee I hope not SER, I've already started my Christmas shopping.

OrbsCorbs said...

My tomatoes want long, sunny days again.

lizardmom said...

my tomatos had a nice run but over the last 2 weeks have died off :( was nice while it lasted

OKIE said...

Our tomato plants came down this past weekend. Now we just have to wait for the asparagus to completely die before getting rid of it. Planted more green beans and they seem to be okay; peppers too.

kkdither said...

I've plucked off three huge tomatoes this week. My first. Put one on a homemade pizza last night... yum! My plants are still doing great. They are at over 6 feet tall and FULL of greenies. Go autumn!

The sky is very dark out there. Storms are a-coming!

OrbsCorbs said...

They came, but then they went, quickly.

My internet connection was bad for awhile, but now it seems OK.

A cable serviceman once told me that storms can raise hell with their equipment, especially electrical storms. He said stray charges, or "ghosts," can stay in the lines for a week, or even two, wreaking havoc.