Monday, October 22, 2012

Closed Captioning I have a pet peeve about Closed Captioning. When TV is closed captioned, Government funds are spent to defray the captioning process. This is great when a good captionist transcribes the spoken word, and a total failure when computer voice recognition is used. Case in point, NetFlix. NetFlix promised me that by this time they would have 80$ of all their content captioned. Sorry, FAIL. They might have 45% captioned. Now, if it was quality captioning, I could give them a By on their lack, but it is bad, nay, terrible captioning. YouTube is a travesty. To see what I mean, check out just about any of the George Carlin skits. Try SNL skits on youtube also. We aren't even talking bad Youtube captioning, were talking incomprehensible bad. Later, I'll find some links. Youtube is free, so you have to give them some slack. NetFlix and other internet movie providers are pay for though, and there is no excuse.


  1. Me TV, channel 19 on TWC, closed captioning is gibberish.

  2. "Perhaps one of the most colorful words in the english dictionary is the word @#%*, @#%* is an old anglo saxson word that literally means to plant seed, as in an agricultural sense.....ect ect.......George Carlin

  3. "Hi, dear. I'm dirty because I was out @#%*ing bean seeds in the garden."

  4. Huck, You are 100% correct. Some channels have pretty good captioning, others are so bad, It's nearly impossible to figure out what Is being said. I find It more common on the odd channels, like USA, A&E, Food Network, etc.
