Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after an exhausting week. Too much work and not enough time... At least I get tomorrow off. Anyways, here are some questions for you...
1) Do you have a bird feeder in your yard?
2) What services do you leave a tip for?
3) Do fences make better neighbors?
4) What makes a person a hero?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
1) bird feeder - no
2) What services - Waitress, bartender, car valet,
3) Do fences - yes
4) a hero? - There is a multitude of things which can make a person a hero, the list is way too long to list. Everyone can and has their own heroes.
1. Hummingbird feeder for the next week or two.
2. Waiter/waitress, bartender, nail/hair people, etc.
3. Oh my yes, especially now. Won't go into it though but I will say it's not noisy neighbors, it's protestors.
4. Hero? That is a hard one to say even though I know one when I see one.
Thanks Drew, we know how busy you are and it's great you still take time to do this.
1. used to but never got any birds, I think there are too many cats running around in the neighborhood that they dont dare come around..
2. restaurant, haircuts, nailcare... hmm.. dont really go out to the bar much.. that would all be in the States, here in Sweden it is not really customary to tip.. but of course waiters and the such made a livable wage..
3. with the neighbors I have now fences make excellent neighbors.. tired of picking dog and cat poo out of my yard..
4. hmm.. that is a big question.. someone that does something to help others/society, even though it would probably scare the hell out of them.. that would be one answer of a long list of answers..
1. No, but I can see the feeder in my neighbor's yard from my window.
2. Mostly just waiters. I don't "employ" the use of too many other services that require tipping.
3. I used to have hive trees to hide behind. I miss the privacy, even though my neighbors are extremely friendly and pleasant.
4. Everyone has the potential for greatness and heroism. It all comes down to choice and putting others needs ahead of your own.
Hahaha. NOT HIVE.... HUGE. Gotta love tiny electronics with a mind of their own.
So, I am sneaking out to do this...
1. Like Mary, I just took down the hummer feeder. No squirrel feeders.
2. The manicurist, pedicurist, massage therapist, mental therapist, marriage counselor, and most important the liquor delivery boy.
3. Can't we all just get along?
4. I make my heros with Italian bread, corned beef, salami, olive loaf, pickle loaf, onions, swiss and provolone cheese and jalapenos. Oh don't forget the dijon mustard. Pass the Grey Poupon, please.
Thanks Drew, now back to work.
1. No
2. Sitdown Restaurants, where food Is delivered by a person. I would leave a tip for a bartender, but I don't go to bar's anymore.
3. I wish I had one on each side 50 feet tall. One neighbor Is ODD, and the other Is an A-HOLE (he's a County Board Member)
4. Disregarding totaly their own life to help someone else. I don't consider people going to another country to help It's poor people Hero's, I consider them Humanatarians.
Oh yeah, Hair people. Forgot about them.
Well I am a little late answering my questions. I have today off work and had errands to go. So here are my answers!
1) Yes two!
2) Waitress, Waiter, Haircuts and Bartender!
3) Growing up in Chicago we had a fenced yard but we really got along with the neighbors. The neighbor kids would climb over the fence into our yard. Then we moved from there to a suburb with no fence and with the neighbors there my dad wanted to get a fence up. The nosiest neighbors and they always complained about our dog and company and I forgot about us kids playing outside all the time.
4) This is really hard to say. To many different ways to look at this question. In a way I can say my dad for keeping the family together and a roof over our heads, in another way I can say the Armed Forces for keeping our country safe and I can say being with the best man in the world right now because he is always there for me on good days and bad days!
Thanks again Jed for making me laugh with your answer for number four!
1) When I moved to this apartment, I was told I could have a bird feeder in the backyard. It was up for a month or two when the pest control people said it was attracting rodents to the building. Funny thing is, the same pest control company serviced the previous building I lived in and I had a bird feeder there for over a decade.
2) Waitress/waiter, but I don't eat at sit down restaurants too often.
3) Yes, fences are best in the city.
4) I more or less agree with what everyone else has said. Maybe we need more heroes.
1. feed the birds in winter
2. the tip is to go find a real job.
3. Yes
4. the last civilian hero in my eyes was Wesley Autrey, in of all places, New York city. And please remember to pass the Grey Poupon around the hive trees.
bird feeder, no. Used to have a squirrel feeder after Minnie died. That was fun to watch. We do have a lot of birds here anyway.
Don't go out much, but would have to be waiter/waitress or bartender
keeps my dog in! When we first moved here, thought we would want a privacy fence instead of the cyclone one. But with all the trees and bushes, it works. Not too many of our close neighbors hang out in the backyard. Now, we are friends with our neighbors, so it works out good.
what everyone else said..
A;most late for my own party. Been working so hard that I don't know what end is up these days.
1) Had a White Breasted Nuthatch in my feeder yesterday.
2) Wait staff, barber and bartender.
3) Don't really know my neighbors, except for the pesky one down the hall from me that complains about everything.
4) A person that goes above and beyond the call of duty. Really, I like everybody's answers here.
1) Do you have a bird feeder in your yard?
Yes...and I used my recycled parrot food that he doesn't eat...there is plenty! The little chickadees are soooooo happy!
2) What services do you leave a tip for?
Everything! I just love to give my money away!
3) Do fences make better neighbors? Oh hell yeah!
4) What makes a person a hero?
Legal...you said it so well with that guy... Man what a hero to do something like that...even tho he probably terrified his little daughters......what an act of heroism!!!!
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