Hello everybody! Welcome back to Four for Fridays! It's been a long ans crazy week filled with overtime. To end it all, we're heading Up North to witness the birth of Tender Heart's second grandchild. Here are some questions for you....
1) On average, how many hours do you sleep in a night?
2) Where is your favorite place to see Autumn colors?
3) Who is your favorite Sesame Street character?
4) If you could change one thing about the world today what would it be?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
You have just got to love "Four for Fridays" Thanks Drew.
1. On average, All I know is that it is more than all of you guys.
2. Mostly on THB postings
3. I think this is a recycled question but lately Big Bird, since those damn politicians want to get rid of the poor guy. I love them all. I still love to watch, especially while enjoying the 5th. Everything they do seems to make more sense.
4. Dang Drew, you should be the next moderator for the next debate. This question is too "deep within" for me.
1. I'd say about 6 and I'd have to agree with Jed on everyone else who seem to be up at all hours.
2. THB postings as that's all I've seen so far.
3. Big Bird. Poor guy has been through a lot lately.
4. If I told you what I really thought it would open up a whole bag of worms.
Wow Jed, we are thinking alike today. Hmm, I made need a 5th.
1) sleep in a night? 3 to 4 last night was bitch'en
2) Autumn colors? Nonne
3) Sesame Street character? the guy who lives in the trashcan.
4) would it be? politicans who don't lie and do what the people want
1. About Nine.
2. Ashland, Hurley, Bayfield area.
3. Shitt Bird.
4. No Nuclear Energy or Bombs.
1) 10 hours, sometimes more.
2) I guess the drive from here to mom's and back. That's when I see the fall colors.
3) Oscar the Grouch (in the garbage can).
4) Stop lies. It would be an entirely different world.
1) On average, how many hours do you sleep in a night?
Due to a few different jobs I work,the hours spent in a good snooze goes from 0 to 6 on average.
2) Where is your favorite place to see Autumn colors?
Anywhere I do not have to rake them, Florida being my favorite.
3) Who is your favorite Sesame Street character?
COOKIES...... Gimme cookies!!
4) If you could change one thing about the world today what would it be?
I would like to see MEN improve
in all directions of life....
(OK I am running away very fast!)
1. Lately, 4-5 and it is getting to me.
2. Pet's or Sander's Park
3. It was never a particular character, it was the adult humor behind the child-friendly jokes. I guess if I had to pick someone, the two old guys sitting in the theater/opera were very funny and clever.
4. I think it really needs to be kinder and gentler. Kids are subjected to too much adult garbage: sex, violence, hate, lawlessness and greed. We need to let them be kids and be happy.
1. 8 to 9
2. Vermont
3. Chester
4. Peace
1. NEVER enough, try for 7 but usually ends up more like 6 or less
2. don't know which letter(s) road it is in Kenosha that goes to Pets Park off 31
3. Ernie
4. would prefer it to be alot more like little house on the prairie (minus Mrs Oleson and Nelly...)
that is County Road A
just an FYI for you.... : )
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