Saturday, October 6, 2012

Open Blog - Weekend

Go Packers!


  1. I'm #1 and second to none!

    Oh, no, sheriff. I hope that isn't pollen blo ing around. Liz already has enough going on.

  2. 2nd to kk, and she's right, weed pollen is thru the roof and probably part of what contributed to my rough week... yikes. I need a bubble, can't you just see me getting around town in a hamster ball??

  3. #4 and I don't care about the pollen in the air

  4. I'm claiming my 5th...and on the weekend...yeah baby...See all I can play too.

  5. Coming in at number 6. Have a great weekend!

  6. Mary, Is your 25 year reunion coming up this year?

  7. well, after not sleeping much thanks to the steroids that made me feel much better, hubby comes home all stuffed up and snoring louder than his dad EVER did... so much for sleep... opened at work, came home and started canning with a vengeance. End result (tally done but canning still in progress with one more round to go thru) -
    6 - 1/2 gallon jars beef barley soup base,
    4 - 1/2 gallon jars chicken soup base,
    4 pints cooked chicken for kicks.
    Add that all together and it equals one really trashed kitchen and few clean dishes left...
    A 'friend' turned me into some kind of canning maniac, I need help!! Calgon, take me away!!

  8. Lizardmom, you got mad canning skillz.

    Anyone go to Party on the Pavement?

    When does a landlord have to turn on the heat? Oct. 15? Brr.

  9. Greetings JTIrregulars,

    Allow me to introduce myself, I am BL Basketcase.

    I have decided to join this site after an extensive search.

    The Racine Journal Times has failed to meet my expectations
    of being an objective and responsible newspaper.

    The Racine Journal Times has also failed to allow the open discussions to take place on its website.
    When the reader's views differ with the management of the newspaper, they often censure or delete the comments.

    I have taken notice to a variety of different opinions expressed on
    this site about local and state politics without censure.

    I hope you will welcome my future two cents being added to your educational website.

    BL Basketcase

  10. Toad - I wish.

    BL Basketcase - Welcome aboard the Irregular blogosphere.

    Orbs - we just turned the furnace on and yes, that lovely smell that comes with it is all over. I hope you get your heat turned on as it is getting down into the 30's here so I'm sure it's colder there.

  11. Welcome BL Basketcase. This site started over 4 years ago precisely because of the Journal Times' censorship of our posts and blogs. The more, the merrier. If you decide you want to post blogs here, send an email to In reply, you'll receive an invitation to become an author on

    Mary, I get a smell, too, when I turn on my "furnace," the gas oven. The landlord pays the gas bill here. He thinks he's saving money by holding off on turning on the furnace. In reality, more than half the tenants turn on their ovens to heat their apartments until the furnace is turned on, which wastes gas and is very dangerous.

  12. Turned the heat on today. It hasn't run much yet, thank goodness. I like the cool temperatures, but there is a freeze warning tonight. Brrr. The news guy said today is the first historical, officially recorded snowfall for our area. He said it can happen anytime now. I'm not ready. I still have ta'mators on the vine. Hope they make it through the night.

    Welcome, newcomer BL-B. We try very hard to never censor comments. (See the blurb above the comment box.) Your comments regarding our local newspaper could have easily been written by any of us. Much like a family, we are especially protective of our own here... you are more than welcome to give the site a spin. ;>

  13. I still have tomato plants going, too. I pulled off about a half dozen half-ripened ones today. They ripen up indoors in a few days.

    The closer you are to the lake, the less likely you'll get frost. I figure I'll take the plants out next week unless there is a sudden spell of warm weather.

  14. welcome to our merry gang, BL Basketcase! with a name like that, you're a perfect irregular :)

  15. lizardmom....

    Does your husband have sleep apnea?
    A machine may help both of you so he doesn't snore. Snoring can be related to COPD. A sleep study will lead to a diagnosis. Just wondering..

    Good thing he does not live in Massachusetts:

    Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked.
    BL Basketcase

  16. Oh BTW....

    Thanks to those who welcomed me!!!
    Sounds like a very enriching group. I just bought some
    Sennacot in case !!! : )

  17. Welcome BLB, and enjoy the blogging.
    Please be aware that the spelling police are usually on duty, and usually that job is reserved for kk dither. Since she is obviously distracted this morning, (wondering) I will correct you with the proper spelling of "senocot" in case you think we are full of................
    Hope you enjoy some of the weird humor and Happy Blogging BLB!

  18. BL Basketcase, GREAT name, and welcome. I hope It's fun.

  19. Legal.... you are wrong also...
    it is SENOKOT.....
    and here you gave me the impression that you must be a
    dedicated user of it.

    Toad...thanks for the welcome and compliment.

  20. Oh BLB, you're a definite good fit here.
    As far as I know he doesn't have apnea, but I've talked to the DR and when he gets laid off, he's going to getting in for an apt. Could be a month, could be next year, can't turn down work while he has it. We sleep with an air cleaner, radio and ceiling fan going, I can't sleep in quiet. Thanks for the input, will keep you posted if we find anything out.
    His father was an insanely loud snorer, he actually could shake the windows... didn't believe it till I saw and heard it myself, strong genes..

  21. BLB- that's why I am not the spelling police on this site, as I said" weird humor".

  22. Welcome BLB! Always nice to have new people here.

    Sad day for me.. took the garden down. :( But we did have a pretty good crop.
    Also raked leaves for like the 100th time.. LOL
    This cold came too soon for me.
    Sorry about the Packer game. That was a wicked ending.

  23. Lizardmom...yes, please keep me posted and thank you !!

    Legal stranger.... thankz fer the werning aboot the speeleng pilice.

  24. Minnesota Chick...our messages must have crossed...thanks for the Welcome and again to Mary, kk,Orbs,
    Legal stranger, lizardmom, Toad,...heck everyone!!! I wish all of you a great week ahead! I have found all of you as fun and
    I am excited about this!!

  25. Yabadabadooo, BLB, a girl with attitude has joined forces with the JTIrr.'s to fight the never ending battle of bad news reporting from the Ragged Times of Racine.
    Go get'em !
    Is she flipping us off?

  26. jeff h....thanks for your welcome!!! But a BIG NO!! I'm not flipping any of you off...just the rest of the unfair world.
    Funny you should mention Yabba Dabba Doooooo...that was the name of my boat! Gotta love Fred Flintstone!

  27. Yeah, but gotta love Wilma and Betty more as they kept the inept male troglodytes on their feet most of the time. Good night !

  28. Fred Flintstone was too one of my favorites, but I didn't name a boat after him. In retrospect, I should have named my boat " Hole in water to throw my money into"
    Sleep well all until next time.
