Saturday, November 3, 2012

Daylight Saving Time Ends at 2 A.M. Sunday

Don't forget to turn your clocks back one hour tonight or early tomorrow morning.

After this, the days will continue to get shorter until the end of the world, on December 21st.  


  1. the world cant' end on the 21st, that's payday!
    clocks were all set back this afternoon, just need to see if the DVR's do it themselves or if I have to tomorrow, nite :)

  2. Maybe you could ask for an advance on your wages.

  3. We now have an additional hour until the end of the world.

  4. BTW...I am having that all of you plan it...12-21-12...
    I'M NOT THAT FAR AWAY, and neither is the party. I will have food and
    an array of the basic beverages.
    Responsible drinking encouraged.
    Bring your Sweetie(s) and any end of the world equipment you may have. i.e....
    Gas masks, maracas, tampons, dry cereal,flashlights, THE Bible, K rations and whatever else. I will have a few fires going inside and outside.

  5. Hey BL Basketcase....

    Just name the time and the place when you're ready and I'll be there, Can I bring guns?

  6. Can I bring Improvised Explosive Devices?

  7. Sure!!! Bring it on!! It's the end of the world!! We may as well have some real fun! I may start smoking....

  8. The party is on! Yeah!!!
    Sounds like an interesting and educational party. f the end of the world, let's go out partying before Armageddon begins.
    Besides, SER and Orbs will have protection for us.
