Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my gorgeous giblets!  How are you?  Gobble, gobble.  Are you ready for the big feast tomorrow?  Turkey and football and homemade pie.  Yum!  If you’re hosting the feast, I like the attitude in Ms. Why Not’s video blog, “Just Put the F*cking Turkey in the Oven,” Instead of freaking out and fussing and mussing over the meal, just give it a shot and, most importantly, enjoy yourself.  I think all that wine may help with the enjoyment, too.     

Our astounding Green Bay Packers once again scored a victory over the weekend.  It was a nail biter, but the Green and Gold finally overcame the Detroit Lions.  Let there be much cheering and rejoicing.  This Sunday, November 25, the Packers are scheduled to crush the New York Giants, starting at 7:20 PM, in MetLife Stadium.  The awesome, the audacious, the Packers! Rah! Rah! Rah! Cut the Giants down to size.

Some major road construction projects in Racine wound down this week and last.  7th Street and the City Hall roundabout opened last week.  Douglas Avenue opened just the other day. Hooray!  Just in time for winter.  Sorry for the sarcasm, but it is difficult to put up with these long projects.  And just think of the poor people who used 4 Mile Road regularly.  How long has it been since that’s closed?  At best, it won’t open until next year. Oh my.

There’s something I have to get off of my chest.  Mr. Mayor Dickert recently called upon nonprofit organizations in Racine to pay their “fair share;” that is, donate money to the city because Mr. Mayor has misspent enormous amounts of our tax dollars.  Wisely, I thought, no nonprofits responded to this con.  However, now it comes out that the Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church donated $1,500.  That is so discouraging.  There is absolutely no way that a religion or religious organization should be allowed to donate to a city.  The Constitutional conflicts aside, it makes the city look cheap when Mr. Mayor begs for funds.  I do not want any religion affecting my local government in any way.  Why does Mr. Mayor think he is above our Constitution?  Why do the Unitarian Universalists think they are?  The entire affair is shameful and reeks of Mr. Mayor’s propensity to lie and scam.  Why doesn’t Mr. Mayor pay his own legal bills?  How dare he enter into a settlement that includes a secret agreement using taxpayers’ money?  Bah!

Well, tomorrow is the day to give thanks, so I don’t want to dwell on the negative.  I am extremely grateful for being a citizen of the United States and I’m thankful for all who served in our military.  I’m grateful for the JT Irregulars, who are my friends.  I’m also blessed with my son, Junior, and my special friend, Señor Zanza. I am overwhelmed with love and joy.  Thank you.

And thank you for reading my blog.  That is a wonderful gift, the gift of your attention.  Please stop by anytime to peruse and/or participate.  We’ll have a party.

Need holiday gift ideas?  Ask Madame Zoltar:

Enjoy all of Thanksgiving, my friends.  Personally, I’ll do without Black Friday sales and shopping, but to each his or her own.  Remember, whatever you don’t eat on Thanksgiving will become a leftover you have to eat later.  Bon appetit!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Madame. Eat like there is no tomorrow.

  3. Wear stretchy pants. :)

    Madame, we are the ones who are lucky to have your attention each and every week in your blog, and every day-- as we know you watch over us. If you find yourself in a quiet contemplative moment, know that your irregular friends cherish you.

    Hope all the irregulars are surrounded by all the crazy that loved ones, family and good friendship bring.

  4. Too much cranberry out there…need more pumpkin pie…wooohooo

  5. Thanks Mdme. Z
    A Happy and safe Thanksgiving to all!

  6. The first turkey that my ex-wife and I cooked had one of those pop up timers. It popped up 20 minutes after the turkey was in the oven. We figured it out somehow.

  7. Orbs, should you be sharing tales of premature 'pop'ulation here? ;>

  8. I was talking about the bird, not my bird.
