Monday, November 26, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

I like presents, cyber or otherwise.


  1. good morning.. The girls are home for a couple of days.. Mina thought it was a great idea to puke in the middle of the electronics store yesterday.. Rules are here that they have and all siblings have to be home for at least 48 hours after they puke or have fever.. It's ok, I wasnt scheduled to work anyways..

    Anyways, have a great Monday..

  2. puke at an electronic store?
    yeah, some makes me puke too!
    hope Mina feels better soon.
    A fifth for the day makes the pain go away.

  3. Oh dear it's Monday. The Monday after a 4 days weekend. Sigh.

  4. I need to read before I hit send. Four day weekend which I have to say ended badly with the Packers being spanked.

  5. Right Why Not and Legal!

    Electronics make me puke... costs lots, break lots, get outdated fast, can't figure 'em out.

    Instead of going postal... just go electronic.

    Thoughts for Mina.

    And to the rest of you...yeah I hate Mondays, too.

  6. Back to the daily grind... and I don't mean coffee. Double sigh. If I make myself barf can I take off 2 more days? Eek.

  7. hope the kiddos are good as new soon, WhyNot :)
    Froglover is a bad influence, she saw a special price I couldn't pass up and just had to tell me... I now have a kindle fire coming... wonder if I'll be able to figure it out... if not, she'll have to teach me, as she got me into it - HA!
    Happy Cyber Monday shopping everybody!! I so much prefer shopping online to being out with zillions of people, can't handle crowds anymore, I start feeling like the walls are closing in, have to bolt out of the chaos or lose my mind. I can be a happy hermit, just me and my keyboard conquering the world :)

  8. Lm, conquer away on the keyboard, good to see you are feeling better.

  9. My new monitor arrived today. Happy cyber something.

  10. happy for you orbs, I hope this one does good by you!!
    it's nice to feel human again, that was sure a doozy, not a fan of aging or sickness, I think I'll avoid both...
