Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Open Blog - Tuesday

Ooo, chocolate. Yum.


  1. Being sick, not sleeping well, and having to be up before 3 am this week = not easy.

  2. Yep, I'm up and out the door. Easy as pie.

  3. 5th...I'm back baby, raring to go. Anyone join me? I hope everyone has a P & P day. haven't heard that one for awhile.

  4. What the? Holy smokes would ya look at that!!!

  5. Up and alert in a warm house. Have a great day everyone.

    Glad to see you Jed.

  6. I'm back to having the trash can by my name again. Speaking of trash, this general scandal just keeps getting better and better. You can't make this stuff up.

  7. Powerful men attract situations such as these. Crazy. And these guys are supposed to be smart? LOL. Anyway, everyone have a wonderful day.

  8. Geez, Only to be a General. NOT, I'm too chicken shit.

  9. late to the party again...
    how about a little medical advice from the gang - I'm on antibiotics and steroids to fix the sinus infection. My sinuses seem to be clearing but has led to the congesting of my chest... can't win. I am guessing this is the norm for recovering from this? but the coughing is making me crazy. When/do I trust the meds are doing exactly what they're supposed to and when/do I doubt and go for conspiracy that it's not working? I think this may be the 1st ever sinus infection of this magnitude for me so I'm at a loss, could use past experience advice, anybody?

  10. Lizardmom...
    you already have asthma, right?
    You added a cold to that and are going thru a round of antibiotics and steroids. You may not (or may have) needed the antibiotics, depending if your condition is viral or bacterial.

    The pathophysiology of asthma is that the walls if the lower airway are obstructed and pathogens are not flushed out as easily.

    I would see the doctor again. Also you need to really push lots of fluids to keep mucus secretions manageable and thin. Some of these viruses need to run their course.
    Are you running any fevers? Also, if secretions are not clear, they probably are bacterial. Maybe some bigger guns need to come out in the way of your medicinal treatments.

    Steamy showers,fluids, vitamins, inhalers, rest...

  11. Sorry, lm, I don't know about sinus infections.

  12. Chocolate...yeah...I need some about now.

  13. Final Countdown
    37 days
    2 hrs, 43 mins, 9 secs
    left until Doomsday

  14. Lizardmom, sorry I have no good medical advice for you, but it sounds like BLB has this medical thing down to the science.
    Whatever happened to witch doctors?

  15. I had some sort of earache/sinus... mean glunk. The doc gave me a broad spectrum antibiotic and it helped a bit, moved it to my chest, like you. I'm still coughing. Robitussin, or some other thinning agent with Guaifenesin can help. Can't drink it everyday, though, geech. I'm hoping my immune system will eventually fight this off. It's been a long battle. I hate calling the doc.
