Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pardon me, a rant. I haven't ranted in ages and have a need.

I read a post about someone arrested and jailed for four days for the mere act of videotaping officers as they did their job. I'd been reading post after post of finger pointing whining that Libs this, Libtards that, it's all their fault, scum of the earth and the entire time throwing Beck up and saying, We're just being Liberal. Take it as a joke, we mean no harm. Please, you really think we believe that? It smacks of bullshit and lies. Here, let me give a nice little post that reads like I read many of you. (not you guys, another membership forum with marked Conservative leanings)

 A response to the video taper....

 Who does he think he is? Recording cops as they do their work? This sort of Liberal is the worst kind. Lock him up and throw away the key. There shouldn't be any Rights that allow this to happen. He is putting the Officer's lives in danger and keeping them from doing their work. One of those cops should pull out his gun and shoot him. At least pistol whip him or Taze him four or five times. Yeah, that's what should be done to these video taping Libtards.

 There, a completely silly rant that foolishly vilifies one side in a polarizing way. It gets so old. So very old. Craggy skin, broken toothed, rheumy eyed OLD. Please keep up those posts like that. There are those that never talk about ANYTHING of any substance that doesn't seem to be polarizing. Used to come here for insight about news of the world and how they might affect world trade, gold, and life revolving around stacking and responsible living. Instead, I get piss Christ revisited. Claims that because I believe in an individuals Right to expression, means that I don't find that expression disgusting. Our Rights and freedoms are being eroded and you guys further the erosion along with Beck's tasteless jab. What happens when his jab takes the freedoms he LOVES and removes them? Don't you guys think? Don't you care? Are you so jadedly one sided you can't see the forest for the trees?`

 Ya know, I'm not even a true Liberal. Bring on the death penalty and poor houses. I BELIEVE in personal responsibility. I also believe in freedoms to use personal responsibility wisely. Neither Piss Christ, nor Piss Obama is using those Freedoms wisely. Thank you for redundantly making your point. Thank you for abusing the rights you love so much. Don't act shocked when you lose them.


  1. Huck, there are several people on this site that fight for the rights that our forefathers established and faught for.
    The indifference of the public towards corrupt officials is mindblowing. Few of us will pay whatever price necessary to fight the pagans in government so others may enjoy the freedoms that are taken for granted by the general public....... Rant away Huck, maybe someone will wake up and take on a worthy cause for the greater good.
