Saturday, November 3, 2012

Useless Information

Did you Know:

In 1939 raisins sold for $45.00 per ton.

Snack boxes of raisins were sent to the G.I.’s during WWII.

By 1946 the cost per ton rose to $312.00.


  1. That reminds me .....

    Why did the raisin go out with the prune??

    Because he could not find a date!

  2. Wonder what the cost of raisonette's are by the ton?

  3. I don't even know if they still make them, but you could buy bags of little boxes to pass out like on halloween and put in the kids lunch bags,

  4. It's really weird, but I only like Raison's by themselves, not In anything like cookies.

  5. Them's a lot of grapes! Now I'm hungry for chocolate covered raisins. Haven't had them in ages.

  6. Nothing really to do with raisins, but yesterday, Walgreens offered 15&20% discounts on virtually everything In the store to people 55 and older. I needed some stuff, so I went, and discovered the Halloween candy cut to half price. They had a whole box of Pumpkin shaped "Butterfinger" candies, so I bought 30 of them. They were 2 for a dollar, I got them for .21 each. I will have to hide them about 5 miles from home, because I think I ate 5 of them, before I even took my jacket off. I love Butterfingers.

  7. Toad, same here, I can eat them like KK, chocolate cover or plain but not in bread or way....

  8. I liked plain raisins as a kid. I haven't had any in a long time now.

  9. Is this a sign that we are all getting older...that we have such great discussions on raisins????

    Prunes are next!!! I can just feel it!! I just know it, as we are already Irregulars.

  10. I LOVE prunes. Ya, go figure. My mom used to stew them in sugar and water on the stove. She'd refrigerate them, then we'd eat a few in a bowl for breakfast. We were kids... we never had any bathroom issues, lol.
